Global Communications > Development Media
SSL's Blog #2: ge_library
Jonathon [SSL]:
Nope, haven't been working on it since school started. I'll work on it tonight though and try to finish it up since it's the weekend.
--- Quote from: Jonathon [SSL] on January 19, 2014, 12:20:33 am ---Nope, haven't been working on it since school started. I'll work on it tonight though and try to finish it up since it's the weekend.
--- End quote ---
Any luck with the map being finished?
Jonathon [SSL]:
Did some polishing after I made that post, but I'm swamped with work ATM. Basically the only thing left is fixing a bunch of vertex lighting problems on some of the bookshelf book props.
My body is ready.
You need to finish it and get it out this month.
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