Debriefing > General Goldeneye
<to lazy for title> Remove Loadouts
Quick question i've got the events script up and running but i can't get the guns to stop spawning in game. I've done it before but as usual i've forgotten how to do it. Is it a simple command, some alterations to a txt document ??
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Mark [lodle]:
remove all the loadout files in maps/loadouts
Or just rename them in case you want to use them again quickly in the future. I put the number 1 in front of the map loadout name in all of them except Cradle and Facility Classic and Control, the three maps that have never crashed on me one single time.
Mark [lodle]:
The error occurs because the pointer that holds onto the object that is spawned is not being deleted from the list when the object has been destroyed (picked up by the user). So thus the list keeps getting bigger and crashes when its full. We have almost fixed this in the beta.
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