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Cloverfield (mysterious best kept Hollywood secret movie)
So this trailer was played before Transformers, it gives no title just the producers name at the end J.J Abrams.
It's so well guarded that Paramount have taken the trailer off YouTube, nobody can post it on there without it being deleted. It's nowhere on the internet (well i do have a link but i'm not posting it here as it could cause implications to this site and i'm not putting it in jeopardy)
Thousands of people are trying to work out what this movie is going to be but nobody can work it out.
It's basicly a Blaire Witch style movie.. People recording it on their cell phones and video cameras.. Some giant monster thing destroying NYC..
Found a trailer on YouTube here it is although it will proabably be yanked again but yeh.
What do you think from it?
Mike [fourtecks]:
I think it looks interesting. The from the 'perspective of the people' aspect I think will really bring an awesome atmosphere and make it intense. However I hope they at least keep the camera pretty still. Have you watched the Bourne Supremacy? Great move but the shaky cam pisses me off.
No i've not seen that movie or either of them are they any good?
The Bourne movies are great, but as always, the books are much, much better. Shaky camera was a huge problem in those movies as well, especially during fight scenes. Couldn't see a damn thing.
Sean [Baron]:
I haven't seen the trailer for "Cloverfield" but maybe it's a LOST movie?
EDIT: Ok nm, I just saw the trailer finally after looking for a while. I'm not sure what to think, but it definitely looks in the style of how The Blair Witch was filmed, which doesn't really mean anything because this is just the trailer. Doesn't mean the whole movie is filmed that way.
Interesting, I'll have to keep my eye out for this one. Maybe it's Godzilla, a good Godzilla movie.
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