Yes, sorry, the documentation for python is in a sorry sorry state. Although would you rather have working gameplays or working documentation, take your pick

As for HUD stuff here is a simple breakdown of all the functions:
Anything in brackets [] is an optional variable
GEUtil.HudMessage( player, msg, xper, yper, [color], [secs_to_show], [channel] )
GEUtil.HudMessageTeam( teamid, msg, ... )
xper/yper -> [0.0 to 1.0] use -1 for centerplayer -> use 'None' for ALL players (same for the rest)
GEUtil.ShowPopupHelp( player, title, msg, [image], [secs_to_show], [archive_me] )
GEUtil.ShowPopupHelpTeam( teamid, title, ... )
GEUtil.InitHudProgressBarPlayer( player, channel, title, options, max_value, xper, yper, bar_width, bar_height, color )
GEUtil.UpdateHudProgressBarPlayer( player, channel, value )
GEUtil.ConfigHudProgressBarPlayer( player, channel, title, [color] )
GEUtil.RemoveHudProgressBarPlayer( player, channel )
For team functions, just change Player to Team and use teamidSome notes on the progress bars. You must init the progress bar before you can post updates to it. Options can be the following:
You can 'or' them together like: GEGlobal.HUDPB_SHOWBAR | GEGlobal.HUDPB_VERTICAL
use the config function to change the title or color of the progress bar instead of re-initing it which is network intensive.