Your small minded [...]
See what I meant? ~
Back on topic:
what you've basically got to do to create a new gameplay from an existing one adding LTK to it is to carry code parts that are specific for LTK to the other class. So for CTF LTK that would be:
self.SetDamageMultiplier( 1000 )
to def OnLoadGamePlay(self): and the method def OnPlayerConnect(self, player):
adding the method
def OnUnloadGamePlay(self):
self.SetDamageMultiplier( 1 )
and finally
def SetDamageMultiplier(self, amount):
for i in range(32):
if not GEUtil.IsValidPlayerIndex(i):
player = GEUtil.GetMPPlayer(i)
Should be working, isn't tested yet. Although I can say that creating a new class even with a new cfg going along with it and even changing the return name to "capturekeyltk" wouldn't work, yet modifying the and not renaming it worked (as it said Caputre The Key (MOD) for the gameplayname then). (I take it #GES_GP_CAPTUREKEY_NAME would be a token name so I tried putting a string right there) As I just browsed the wiki I found . I guess my last mistake was to leave "class CaptureKey(PYBaseGamePlay):" unchanged it should have been "class CaptureKeyLTK(PYBaseGamePlay):". I'll be posting a link to some of those gameplay files later.