Hi again, not sure if this is the right thread or not. If not I apologize.
Lately (as in the past month), I've been having some serious issues with my ping whilst playing GES. It gets abnormally high about 99% of the time, sometimes latency hitting about 700ms. Other times it looks ok from the server menu but in about a minute after I join it just shoots up again.

For example, I joined a local server (based somewhere in Europe) where my latency was 49ms and within minutes it shot up to 340ms seemingly out of nowhere

. This happens of course to other servers on a much larger scale as my ping is higher on US servers anyway.
I must admit I haven't the greatest internet setup as regards to speed (1mb broadband is unfortunately my limit), however this never affected my ping in the past or indeed in other online games so I don't see how it should now. Furthermore I don't download whilst playing the game and I don't have any other programs running in the background (apart from Anvira Antivirus) that could be eating away at system memory.
So, I'm swamped! I really don't know what to do other than contact my service provider and ask them, but I want to rule out all other possibilities with GES first before I do so. Anyone have any suggestions? I really need help with this as I literally can't play GES properly anymore without an acceptable ping