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2D Artist & Level Designer

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I would like to apply for the open position as a 2D artist, creating environment textures and level art.

Relevant Experience & Skills:

* Extensive experience using Adobe Photoshop (6+ years)
* Comprehensive understanding of the Source engine's material system and its shaders
* Ability to create high-resolution textures from scratch
* Ability to create high-resolution textures from photographs and other raw sources
* Ability to create seamlessly tiling textures
* Ability to create specular maps and phong masks
* Ability to create normal maps and height maps
* Ability to create model textures working from raw UV maps or alternate textures.
I also have a diploma in Art and Design and am a qualified graphic designer.

Some examples of my recent texture work...

High-resolution tiling textures from scratch:
Dirty Concrete with Hazard-stripes
Desert Rocks in Sand
Muddy Rocks
Sandstone Wall
Rough Concrete

Tiling textures made from photographs:
Rough Plaster Wall
Concrete Floor

Other stuff:
Beta Tester Klobb Skin
Bunker Classic Textures
Something Else ;)

I would also secondarily like to apply for a position as a level designer.

Level Design Experience & Skills:

* 8+ years working with Quake-derivative level design tools
* Comprehensive understanding of Hammer and Source SDK tools
* Full understanding of level optimizing in Source
* Ability to create custom assets and import them into Source
Example of finished project: Bunker Classic, though I don't feel it completely reflects my full ability to create environments in Source.


Jonathan [Spider]:
Did you say Graphic designer????

i been wanting one of you for a while Muhahah.

since you can texture thats icing on the cake.

I'm going to have you do a trial just for formalities sake. (there's only been like 2 people who haven't had to do one lol)

Go ahead and make a thread in the trial members (can you guys post in there i forget) section ill get you something to do.

Awesome, thanks!  :)

Oh QA have no access to the trial board.  :P

Awesome! You will make a great Dev man. :)

You have a real talent there mate, and I love your Bunker_Classic map.


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