@Vincent: Well, about that, the navy doesn't really take too kindly to you walking about their warships snapping hi-res pictures of stuff. Go figure. Plus, I'm on a sub anyway, so if you want a bunch of pictures of wood paneling and seafoam green paint, I can probably get that for you, but you could probably just go to any house built in the '70s and get the exact same thing.
@killermonkey: Yeah, I don't remember you either. I remember Enzo.Matrix and InvertedShadow and Basstronix... and that's about it. I was only on for a little while, assigned to the Runway if I remember correctly. Got into a tiff with a guy who is also no longer on the team about a map he was doing because he was using like... stock hl2 textures or something like that and Nickster decided to kick me off the team. *shrug*
Coast Tards, eh? Suuuure. You know your job's bullshit when you 'get deployed' and you can still see your house.

On a real note, the Navy runs like a well oiled machine...
...that someone dumped a bunch of sand and other bullshit in, fuck. But I'm managing just fine. Here's a hint of our command climate right now though, some dude chopped his toe off just to get out. Deliberately. Chopped. His. Toe. Off.