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Author Topic: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.  (Read 18104 times)

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Re: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2010, 02:58:10 am »

I think the problem is you argue too much instead of acting like your listening. I've noticed this since I've joined, and being a new player, it's a little awkward when a Lead Developer argues with players instead of trying to act like you'll look into something, or noting it. I never noticed the "Lead Developer" title, but when the first time I came to the forum, I thought you were a jack ass by the way you spoke to people.

It's awesome you know how a REAL radar works, but this game isn't real life.

There's no point in having a "Impressions & Feedback" session if the Lead Developer is going to argue with everyones impressions or input.

Not trying to be a dick, or jackass, but I'm pointing out the obvious.

Valid point, although I like to keep myself that way. I've been programming this mod for 2.5 years and have explored a lot of suggestions that have been made for better or worse. It is impossible for me to follow up every one of my responses with the rationale behind them, I try to give a quick example, but to explain it fully would be impossible (I also answer a lot of posts via my Droid X and cant divulge into lengthy discussion).

There is this thread describing my attitude / inability to reason with people. I am not presenting a persona on the internet, this is how I REALLY am. I tell the truth, am blunt to the point, and don't BS you and get shit done when its needed to be done. My apologies if I offend you, I actually write down every suggestion that is made and I think about the following before I shoot it down or accept it:

1. Implementation cost (how much time it would take to get it done)
2. Cost vs Benefit (will this be game changing or barely noticed)
3. True to the mission (are we straying too far from GE64?)
4. Already Tested (have we tried this before, if so it failed since its not in the game)

For an example, Capture the Key has gone through literally 10 rewrites of Python in order to get the gameplay just right. The testers came up with ideas, I implemented them, and we tested them. Ideas that worked stayed, those that didn't were removed. The same goes for almost every feature we have in the game.


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Re: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2010, 03:22:58 am »

KM may come across as a hardass, but he is a fuzzy bear at heart. <3 Believe me, I used to think the same thing about him, but then realized that their really has to be someone on the team who wears the "black hat" and seems like a hard ass. (VC doesn't count for many reasons) Due to KM's history with the mod, it only makes sense that most of the "suggestions" would be declined since he has tried MANY avenues and he KNOWS the limitations of the source engine. Just my two cents. <3 you KM :P

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D


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Re: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2010, 06:18:56 am »

Valid point, although I like to keep myself that way. I've been programming this mod for 2.5 years and have explored a lot of suggestions that have been made for better or worse. It is impossible for me to follow up every one of my responses with the rationale behind them, I try to give a quick example, but to explain it fully would be impossible (I also answer a lot of posts via my Droid X and cant divulge into lengthy discussion).

There is this thread describing my attitude / inability to reason with people. I am not presenting a persona on the internet, this is how I REALLY am. I tell the truth, am blunt to the point, and don't BS you and get shit done when its needed to be done. My apologies if I offend you, I actually write down every suggestion that is made and I think about the following before I shoot it down or accept it:

1. Implementation cost (how much time it would take to get it done)
2. Cost vs Benefit (will this be game changing or barely noticed)
3. True to the mission (are we straying too far from GE64?)
4. Already Tested (have we tried this before, if so it failed since its not in the game)

For an example, Capture the Key has gone through literally 10 rewrites of Python in order to get the gameplay just right. The testers came up with ideas, I implemented them, and we tested them. Ideas that worked stayed, those that didn't were removed. The same goes for almost every feature we have in the game.
Please do not take what I said as hateful. Do I hate you? No. I have no reason to hate you, you've done nothing to warrant hate. Dislike at times? Sure. I can appreciate the fact that you did A LOT for this mod, I really can because it's a great mod, if it wasn't, I wouldn't of stayed around.

All I'm suggesting, is maybe act a little more "welcoming" to suggestions, especially for new members, it can put a sour taste in some peoples mouths and possibly give a bad impression, you never know who that member could be, or what kind of influence they hold in the real world.


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Re: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2010, 04:27:16 pm »

The team is very welcoming suggestions, KM especially. The thing is most suggestions are quite bluntly crap, and so the critical and blunt reception is really what helps to filter through the suggestions.

It's like when after 2 years of a perfectly working damage system, a new player comes along and says headshots need to be nerfed. It's not the fact that they're new that invalidates their suggestion, it's the fact that the suggestion is just a naive or perhaps entirely ignorant one.

KM may seem blunt but he's patient enough to deal with my persistant bothering about [insert feature here].

And it's not like there aren't many suggestions, the team gets loads of suggestions, not only on the forums but in game, through email, through Steam, through moddb etc.. Though the forum is the most valid place for them.
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Re: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2011, 11:38:42 pm »

- I notice on the casino map that if I enable the flashlight I will crash to the desktop. I'm going to look into this to see if it's my hardware or maybe tweaks.

Just wanted to reply that I have discover the problem. If Mat_queue_mode 2 is enabled for multi-core utilization, the game will crash if you toggle on the flashlight.

This problem was also apparent in Half-Life 2 Episode Two.


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Re: Feedback From That Avid Fan Guy.
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2011, 12:02:48 am »

KM is badass. He's a funny ass person whether you think he gets angry or not or just plays around. First time i joined this forum, i thought he was a asshole (in a joking way) but then i realized that is his personality. People are brought up in different ways and we have to deal with that.

Since this is the internet, we have to use common sense and also keep feelings to our selves. If you don't like the person, simply just ignore him instead of leaving bad comments which makes the other person feel offended or pissed.

Just saying.
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