Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[bug] I get dropped every time I join a server

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How exactly do you access the console?

and when it happens after I'm brought back to the main menu screen I get an error box stating "Disconnect: ben.farthing timed out."

Had pretty much the same problem and had an exception in the Winshit firewall, but going into the advanced settings I found that the exception was private or something (probably meaning LAN) and so I set hl2.exe to public and problem solved.

This was with Winshit 7.

I'm trying out those settings now. I haven't yet had any success but I'll keep trying things out for a bit before I give up

i dunno, starting to feel like I'm not meant to play this :(

Mike [fourtecks]:

--- Quote from: V!NCENT on December 22, 2010, 11:57:28 pm ---This was with Winshit 7.

--- End quote ---

Dissing Win7? You are going to enter a world of pain if Kmonk sees this. ;)

It's ok I know V!ncent is a Linux luver. It's cool bro.

You are destined to play, just need to figure out your comp first :-)


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