Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[bug] I get dropped every time I join a server

<< < (4/4)

The mod must be installed under sourcemods/gesource

thats where it is.

Exactly how large is the download? When I first downloaded 4.1 Chrome told me it had finnished downloading and it was 1.1GB, while the second time I downloaded it was 1.2GB according to Chrome and it worked. Try a different mirror?

BTW the netcode in this game is genious; it tolerates 300 ping, so it's probably not the connection. I also played this game over WiFi *.b with heavy interference and experienced just one timeout after an hour.

I've played on a 1 bar cellphone 250ping and minor lag spikes...but worked, and got kills.

it was a 1.2gb download. :(((( at the whole situation etc


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