Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

Fix for case sensitive files

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hazzah I like your bug finding. I shall see about all this :-)

We don't release server as tar balls / zipped tar balls because the zip also encompasses windows servers and we don't need to deal with unzipping issues.

It was a little bit complicated to find out how to put only symlinks with the find command into a tar-archive. Because there are over 2100 arguments, which are too much, they are cutted off and not every file were put into the archive.

The solution is following code:

--- Code: ---
cd /path/to/rootdir/of/server/
find -type l -exec tar -rf GoldenEye_Source_v4_1_Server_symlinkfix.tar '{}' \;
gzip GoldenEye_Source_v4_1_Server_symlinkfix.tar
--- End code ---

The -r switch adds files to an archive. When the archive doesn't exist, the archiv will be created.

Here is the link to the tar-archive:

You can put the archive into the root directory of your Modification. Some users dislike to execute shell scripts, which they don't understand.

You can extract the archive with following command:

--- Code: ---
tar -xzf GoldenEye_Source_v4_1_Server_symlinkfix.tar.gz -C /rootdirectory_of_the_Server
--- End code ---


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