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Author Topic: Headshots need to be toned down a little  (Read 21033 times)

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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2010, 12:43:10 am »

Duck and  stay still to increase accuracy that is counter strike.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2010, 01:23:12 am »

Not really.  That's noob strike.  Pro counter strike does it by glitching the animations, and firing their AWPs while moving full speed by reversing direction and firing on the frame the motion vector crosses zero or by crouching while jumping and firing on the exact frame they touch the ground so they get perfect accuracy while on your screen it looks like they're as hyper as a jack russel fucking terrier but you can't hit the barnside of a broad even when you do sit still and crouch.
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #32 on: December 26, 2010, 03:18:47 am »

That being said, if you can't aim your weapons, don't try using aim mode to help.  You become an easy target and don't capitalize on the effects of aim mode.  In this case, it's better to run around spamming than sit in one place spamming.

Very true.
And why free aim is me forte`
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2010, 05:29:34 am »

Sitting in aiyum mode and actually hitting the person as much as you possibly can, even without any movement, will still ensure you have an advayntage over the crouch jumping ZMG spayummer.

Aiyum mode gives an ayccuracy boost (double for some waypons), while jumping around and spayumming will ensure you have the least ayccurate bullet spread possible.

That being said, if you can't aiyum your waypons, don't try using aiyum mode to help.  You become an easy tayrget and don't capitalize on the effects of aiyum mode.  In this case, it's better to run around spayumming than sit in one place spayumming.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2010, 09:31:09 am »

I would actually welcome some form of 'reduction' in how easy it is to get headshots... Playing with a bunch of randoms (9 of 10 of which all happily state they've played the game for a grand total of 10 or 20 minutes to date), you see nothing but headshot kills.

Literally 8 or 9 out of 10 kills are headshots. It just seems a bit silly and frustrating, that's all. I'm dead-accurate with the aim mode (and it shows if everyone has good pings), but even then I can land a full clip of headshots into someone, have it fail to kill them, and have them take me down in a shot or two with a PP7 by way of a headshot while jumping around and just spamming wildly. It happens every time and it just feels so wrong. In fact, I can't actually recall a single time I died while playing today that WASN'T a headshot!

Even when playing against some of the best folk I knew back in the N64 days, it was never this consistent. Source just seems to be a magnet for headshot kills, and I find that the aim mode rarely helps at all with obtaining headshots. I have much more success just shooting from the hip and hoping from the best...

This is actually my ONLY 'complaint' with the mod now. Everything else has been improved tenfold in every sense, and I can happily say that it's the most enjoyable experience I've had with the mod to date, but this one thing just irks me. The only other thing I have a problem with is the utterly useless hit registration when someone's ping goes over 150... They might aswell be invulnerable. But I can't change that so I'm not too concerned... That, and because over half the people in any Aus server are from overseas so they're all playing on a 250+ ping anyway.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 09:33:59 am by Sobek »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2010, 10:43:20 am »

Literally 8 or 9 out of 10 kills are headshots.
Out of completely coincidental convenience, let's look at some real stats.  I played tonight and saved my console log.  (This is actually for a non-GES project, though that doesn't mean it won't someday influence GES...)

Players involved: 21, including myself.

Fatalities recorded: 304.
Fatalities due to headshot as finishing move: 147.  48.3%  Literally not even five out of every ten kills.
VC's recorded kills: 156.  51.3%
VC's recorded headshot kills: 89.  29.2% overall, 57.0% of personal.  Literally not even six out of every ten kills.
Not-VC's recorded kills: 148.  48.6%
Not-VC's recorded headshot kills: 58.  19.0% overall, 39.1% of said-group.  Literally not even four out of every ten kills.

Okay, this is a console log, so it doesn't report kills that had non-lethal headshot-involvement.  AR33 can do 70 head then 35 body and kill without it being logged as a headshot since the headshot wasn't the finishing blow, but there are also plenty of times when a headshot finishes off a player that would've fought back if you body-checked them, so let's call that even for our purposes of countering your melodramatic claim.

You say a very important thing in your message.
even then I can land a full clip of headshots into someone
a full clip of headshots
clip headshots
Just because you are aiming doesn't mean that your weapon will not gain spread.  Something like Phantom, which benefits strongly from being sighted, will open up into a spam hose if you hold the trigger.  Plus, if your accuracy is enough to hit someone's head with between 7 and 80 consecutive headshots, maybe you're doing something else wrong...
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2010, 11:57:23 am »

I love how much I learn from these threads :)

Maybe the Wiki should be more l2play informative.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2010, 01:20:07 pm »

Large population sampling might also bolster our position: according to that website, headshots percentage across three servers is a grand total of 5.79% of all kills.....

What you think the stats are and what they really are is always always different, usually by a large margin like you see here.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 01:23:18 pm by killermonkey »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #38 on: December 26, 2010, 10:17:04 pm »

I wholeheartedly disagree. Headshots are fine as is. If anything, shot distance might be one place to look for balancing. A PP7 should not be able to get a one-shot headshot kill from one tower of cradle all the way to the other side of the map. I believe in the N64 version the bullets only went a certain distance depending on the bullet type.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2010, 12:29:30 am »

*edit* You know what, you're right VC, I was being a bit melodramatic... I posted that straight out of a pretty hair-of-the-teeth match, so the emotions were running strong.

As much as it SEEMS to myself and others that headshots are an over-abundance in GE:S, I realize that in no way is the actual gameplay affected in a negative manner. It's almost exactly as I remember it on the N64, which is fantastic. It's also plainly apparent to me that my experience on this release of GE:S is being somewhat impacted upon by the sheer number of people joining from overseas with extremely high pings. But this has to be a good sign, right? Must be really popular but not have enough servers over there to accommodate everyone!

I'm happy with how things are. And thanks for the information breakdown  ;)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 12:51:26 am by Sobek »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2010, 01:05:02 am »

I believe in the N64 version the bullets only went a certain distance depending on the bullet type.
Believe again.  I used Dam for my firing range.  As in, straight down.  All the way.  That's pretty far.  It probably had a clipping plane in cases like Cradle, where the clipping was required to render the map, and maybe Surface (I have not tested there), but if you could see it you could hit it in all my exploration.
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #41 on: December 28, 2010, 08:01:01 pm »

Yeah, you're right... The bullets probably hit a clip distance and stopped. I remember in surface with paintball mode on, I was able to hit a sentry tower from pretty far away using the PP7, but a further tower did not have the paint splotch when I zoomed in with the sniper rifle after shooting with the PP7. Most likely again due to clip plane. Good explanation, I had not thought of that.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2010, 12:39:55 pm »

A PP7 should not be able to get a one-shot headshot kill from one tower of cradle all the way to the other side of the map.
I'd call this luck. Other times you cannot hit anything that far away.
If you could always do one hit kills with that gun on that distance it would be an issue.
But i don't think this is the case, is it?


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2010, 01:34:59 pm »

Today: BOO!  Someone killed me from tower to tower on Cradle with a PP7 headshot, pistols go too far!
Tomorrow: BOO!  Someone killed me from tower to tower on Cradle with a rifle, I spawned with a pistol so I couldn't do anything but die like a bitch!
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2010, 04:38:30 pm »

_O_ @VC
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