We welcome suggestions, and we love debates that would lead to enhance the game for everyone. Not change it completely.
That is why you are seeing resistance in our arguments against your point. We have been living years to be faithful to the original and all you wish to do is have us second guess one of the main mechanics of goldeneye. And out of all of this you are claiming to be doing so because you are expert at making headshots and that's why you want them nerfed...
Really it's akin to Michael Jordan strapping his legs together because before he was too good at getting slam dunks, and hoping the basketball commission would feel its appropriate and make it a rule...analogies are good. By all means make the game more challenging in whatever way you need for yourself, but fans of this mod want to get their skill rewarded and no one has ever complained about headshots in game, ever.
Additionally, let's all reflect on the title and the later suggestion, and how much they differ.
"headshots need to be
toned down a little"
Maybe even make a server toggle that makes headshots worth the same damage as a body shot? Might be a good way to test things out first. Not sure how hard that would be though, so just throwing out thoughts 
Toned down a little = made the SAME as body? That's an extraordinary difference in my book. IDK