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Author Topic: Headshots need to be toned down a little  (Read 21031 times)

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Headshots need to be toned down a little
« on: December 20, 2010, 11:39:22 pm »

I personally think removing head shots completely would make this feel more like the Golden Eye 64 days but I'm sure tons of people would complain about a head shot removal. However I certainly think head shots should be made a great degree harder to pull off.

I'm perfectly fine with head shots being in games (meaning I won't normally voice opposition) but when the kill messages on the top of the screen constantly scroll "X was killed by Y with GUN with a HEADSHOT" it just seems a little too much.

There is supposed to be some kind of trade off in games where head shots are harder to pull off but result in much more damage. Well they are certainly no harder to do than normal body shots at the moment.

That's really the only thing I find negative about this game, I played a few years ago and you guys really have come miles from that release.

TL;DR - Head shots are too easy for everyone, make them harder.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2010, 11:53:26 pm »

TL;DR - Head shots are too easy for everyone, make them harder.
Yeah, lets just make all of the heads extremely small.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 12:43:11 am »

As you don't die instantly, it's just easier to aim for the head. Also, Keyboard + Mouse helps a lot more than a N64 controller...
« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 12:44:42 am by Seiya »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2010, 12:51:51 am »

Be prepared to be stunned (yah that's right I am about to blow away your baseless claim):



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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2010, 01:29:38 am »

One of the main reasons headshots weren't as common on the 64 is because autoaim aimed towards the torso. But autoaim was an aid to the cumbersome controls that many shooters suffer from on consoles.

We have mouse & keyboard, which reigns supreme over all control pads for shooting games and precision aiming. So there's no need to have an autoaim feature, which would only hinder our aim on the PC.

What it boils down to is you have to accept that on the PC, Goldeneye is never going to be totally the exact same experience as it was on this 64. It would be poor design choice to self-impose arbitrary design restrictions of the N64 title, restricting the potential for improvements and adapting the game to the PC environment.

Fact is the most hardcore GE64 players never played with autoaim and almost exclusively aimed for headshots. The average 64 player just went with autoaim.
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2010, 02:16:09 am »

Interesting pictures, these boxes are the hit zones for every part of the body I assume. If so, I don't understand how I don't get more head shots. I think the issue is probably that... I die all the time, more than I kill, but I don't always get head shots, even after releasing magazines of bullets, and when your up against the pro's, they can turn and head shot you in the blink of an eye. The only thing to do is keep practising, you'll have good games and bad games, but the more you play, the better you'll get at taking the head shots. I read somewhere on the forum that the best place to aim is at the base of the neck, that will up your chance of hitting the enemy and lessen the chance of bullets missing altogether.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2010, 02:42:36 am »

even after releasing magazines of bullets

A lot of people say this exact sentence and don't realize they answered their own problem. You are activating the player's invuln period when you spam them with bullets and the pro that pops you in the skull is laughing at you wasting your ammo.

That is is the distinction in GoldenEye from other FPS's. You need to overcome the urge to spam and hope you plant a headshot and actually AIM and plant the headshot every time. A pro is not lucky, he is skilled.

As for my images, you can clearly see the head hitbox in GES is approx 1/4 the size of the body. So to say it is easier to get head shots than body shots is outrageous and baseless. You can also obviously see that our hitboxes hug the body A LOT more than those of TF2 and other Valve games.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2010, 07:24:23 am »

I'm well aware of all of that. And also I don't think I ever claimed that the hitboxes were too large but you sure would have blow my baseless claim away if I had! The problem is the speed at which the players move as compared to a game such as TF2 is different/slower. I guess it could easily be my problem being used to faster paced games and therefor being able to easily track the heads on players but it doesn't seem like head shots give the rest of the community a whole lot of trouble either.

I'm not complaining about the head shots because I can't get them. I'm complaining (if you want to call it that, doesn't matter to me) and giving feedback because it's too easy and takes away from the game experience for me anyway. But that's what feedback is for isn't it? Enough people feel a certain way and you change it to suit the needs of the majority, and if the idea falls into the minority it doesn't make it to the change log.

Changes doesn't necessarily need to be made to the head either.

Maybe even make a server toggle that makes headshots worth the same damage as a body shot? Might be a good way to test things out first. Not sure how hard that would be though, so just throwing out thoughts :)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 07:52:12 am by evoepitaph »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2010, 09:18:02 am »

No offense but that doesn't make any sense.

What is the point of hitting this smaller target if the damage is the same...Wouldn't everyone pros or otherwise just spam body center then? I don't get it.

Sorta sounds to me, personally, like you are saying "I'm great at hitting headshots and so are some other people so lets all agree to nerf our ability to show any 'skill = reward' dynamic"

I don't find that to be in service of the community, the game, realism or the original game.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2010, 12:54:32 pm »

A lot of people say this exact sentence and don't realize they answered their own problem. You are activating the player's invuln period when you spam them with bullets and the pro that pops you in the skull is laughing at you wasting your ammo.

Yeah, I take your point KM, but I have tried the tapping method on the mouse button as well, and I don't seem to be any better off, I wonder sometimes if there's just a difficult learning curve or some trick to the gameplay that takes a long time to master, Unfortunately at the moment im creating an expansion pack for a game single handedly which as you can imagine takes a lot of time, but I know I need to spend a lot more time on this game.


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2010, 11:02:01 pm »

Sigh...I think this might be going over the heads of many people here. The idea of the thread was "head shots feel a little off because in the original Golden Eye head shots were not what the game was all about" (regardless of the control scheme).

I just made suggestions about what might be done, if anything. And instead of building upon that initial thought it seems people just lock onto 1 specific and try to shoot it down. Sure go ahead and shoot the whole idea down that's how this works, but stop implying that I'm suggesting head hit boxes are too big so they should be made smaller or similar focused accusations.

I'm merely saying "I think something's up with head shots, what can we do about it? Here is some food for thought to play around with"

« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 11:03:54 pm by evoepitaph »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2010, 11:32:56 pm »

Would this thread even exist if there was no word of 'headshot' in the death messages? Spend a few minutes contemplating that. I know that's not what your gripe is with, but consider if you were never aware of headshots, you would simply not be complaining about it now.

The message is there to draw a distinction and inform the player. Headshots are there to give a functional purpose to aiming. Removing headshots would simply nullify the aiming system along with removing an element of skill from playing.

Believe it or not your suggestion actually moves GE:S away from being as faithful to the original as it is. Not only does it fall outside of the mod's design philosophy but it also lacks reasoning to back it up as a valid argument. You can denialistically point at people and tell them they're not seeing your point of view, or you could consider the possibility that there's a reason that you're perhaps the only person who finds this fault with the game... Perhaps it is you who have misunderstood the game rather than the players misunderstood you?
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2010, 12:21:57 am »

Your base complaint is that headshots are too easy.

I refuted that complaint by showing you the relative size of our head hitbox compared to body.

You insist no one gets your point, that is actually true. True because your "point" lacks any reason. You asserted that you wanted to generate discussion, but provide absolutely no idea of your own on how to possibly fix the "issue". Disabling damage difference between headshots and body shots is not a solution to your basic problem that headshots are too easy.

And if you think headshots were not where goldeneye damage was focused you would be 100% wrong. All of our damage scaling is based off of actual goldeneye 64 values, including hitbox differentials.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 12:25:35 am by killermonkey »


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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2010, 12:37:47 am »

If you want to play the game by just spamming at players until they eventually die, go ahead.  But I don't think that anyone who played Goldeneye 007 and understood the aim function that it offered is going to join your cause.
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Re: Headshots need to be toned down a little
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2010, 12:56:37 am »

Have to agree with KM, VC, and Mangley on this one buddy, anyway... I don't think headshots are easy, I struggle to get a headshot most of the time but then my aim is not great.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 12:58:45 am by markpeterjameslegg »
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