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Insurgency Mod is out!

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Sean [Baron]:

--- Quote from: Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd on July 04, 2007, 01:56:56 am ---It can't be too realistic, being realistic was the focal point of the mod!

--- End quote ---

Oh trust me, too realistic can, and will, make the gameplay less enjoyable. Games still have to be treated as games.

Well, if it was realistic, then you would at least have general indicators of how much ammo you have or how much health you have. For example, in real life, you would tell how many rounds you would have left by the weight of the magazine. And you should be able to tell whether you are from within an inch of your life or have just spawned. Too many times in game I have peeled better weaponry from defeated foes, only to find in battle that the clip has nearly been depleted.

Anyway, other than these minor annoyances, Insurgency is an excellent mod, and I love the realism in gameplay and the effort that they have put forth making a mod with excellent gameplay, graphics, and sound.

Oh, and the team killers at launch was an organized effort by myg0t and 4chan, according to someone in the insurgency forums.

Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
the voice acting is terrible. like really horribly bad.

Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd:
And keep in mind that this is just a beta, they'll have bug fixes and content updates later on.


--- Quote from: Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd on July 04, 2007, 05:46:35 pm ---And keep in mind that this is just a beta, they'll have bug fixes and content updates later on.

--- End quote ---

You can say the same with GE:S, but I will never believe it until it's available as a download.


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