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Music Designer

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Hello. I am applying for the 'Music Designer' job. I attend Columbia College in Chicago where I'm a senior majoring in music composition. However, before college, I attended a private performing arts school called Walnut Hill located in Natick, Mass with a focus on classical/jazz percussion.

You can listen to some of my work here: - recent music - older music

A short film I scored a couple years ago >

Recently sold a track called 'glass house' to a female vocalist
(scroll down track list on left side to hear a clip)

All tracks made with Reason 4.0 and an Axiom61 midi

Contact me at or

Sorry dude I am not digging it at all. Your music is very staccato and linear, not to mention screams MIDI.

Also, we are not looking for a music designer at this time.


--- Quote from: killermonkey on November 29, 2010, 01:05:10 am ---Your music is very staccato and linear, not to mention screams MIDI.

--- End quote ---

Agreed, although I'm a little unsure of which piece you were referring to when you mentioned "staccato."

Is this the type of music that you normally work on for your degree?  I'd be interesting to see what sort of voice you have in a more contemporary genre.  I mention this because the music that you seem to have set aside for games just grooves...

It's ok, but it lacks direction, motion, spark, zazz! - specifically the stuff on sound cloud.

For the Mid Eastern Theme, it was more like, Mid Eastern Theme + variations over a ground bass.  Traditionally, sitars do not use an Even Tempered scale, so having a sitar play a full natural minor scale is a little goofy.

"Parrot" just had a lot of clipping issues - those could be fixed by re-mastering.

"The End" was similar in style to the other two - sort of minimalistic in it's groove approach.  The oboe came out of nowhere...was that planned?  Also, the violin is a great instrument to play up high, but it has other registers that could also be exploited.

I'm not sure if you've had time to check out Goldeneye Source's OST, but if you get a chance, have a listen and check out the types of textures that they use - how they employ various effects and envelopes to achieve various timbre that create musical direction.

That all being said, I'm curious to hear other things that you've written - in a more "traditional" approach as it were (what you'd write for your private lessons.)

I think you have great potential as a composer and music designer. What you have is good, but not fully explored. You've a lot of potential and definitely a good degree of skill in terms of your ability. I'm sure there are plenty of other projects and mods who could benefit greatly from your work.

Don't feel too bummed out, GE:S does already have 3 great composers who work in the industry and have extensive experience and a well established style. At this point anyone who applied to be a 4th would be turned down.

By staccato I meant like not flowing, not the literal staccato in a musical sense, haha


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