I just watched your vid and it's looking quite impressive, I gotta say.

"L'Arche" level description(In french only, working on the english version): http://agagnon.com/arche.htm
The translation would be:
Level: 4 of 23
Genre: First-person shooter
Difficulty: easy
Emotions researched: Insecurity / Claustrophobia / Pressure
Duration of the project: 12 weeks
1) Create a level with a playtime of about 5 minutes.
2) Introduce the crossbow (weapon).
3) Create an original level based on a post-apocalyptical Montréal .
The level takes place on a cruiser ran ashore at the old port of Montréal. The player shall cross over by ship in order to rejoin l'arbre rouge (the red tree) visible from afar.
Intentions gameplay
To take the player by surprise by confronting him with assaults and other unexpected events. Likewise the player will have to make use of his crossbow to interact with the environment. Also he shall play with the water levels to reach areas that were inaccessible before.
The architecture is inspired by modern cruisers.
Therefore it's important to give the player significant points (rooms, sections of promenades, etc.) to seek out so the dimensions of the areas convey this effect. The level offers much vertical circulation up to the point where linearity is broken.