Global Communications > Development Media

Why Bass has been away

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Jonathan [Spider]:
cant wait to get a seizure to this


--- Quote from: Gabbo on November 13, 2010, 01:28:12 am ---You look so disinterested in what's going on

--- End quote ---

I was texting a female. No joke, just fucked her and got home.

And heres a little side story. After visualizing music in badass ways, I started to realize what was actually lacking in my mixes. This crap helps me learn a hell of a lot.

Ruone Delacroix:
That is amazing! Say... how much for one of those little doodads?

The LED strip was $220, but theres a half density version for $150. An arduino costs $25, then you're just left with wiring and programming.

I'm not into trance or anything like that, But that was pretty neat.


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