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Thank you and Goodbye

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I have enjoyed my time working on this and I am very grateful for being given a chance to do some cool designs.

However I am afraid I will have to put my Goldeneye work on indefinite hold. A couple of months ago I managed to leave my cinema manager job and get a 3 month internship at a games company. When this ends I am travelling around the world for 10 months - so i think you can appreciate that I won't have an opportunity to work on anything for a while. My priority getting back will be finding a job - so i cannot say when or if i'll be able to work for you guys again but. . . never say never again  :)


Excellent news. Congratulations on getting the golden ticket, hopefully everything works out great for you :)

Good luck with your travel and with your job hunt after. We will still be around for you to check out what's happening. We will have long released our 4.1 so be sure to play with us when you do come back :)

Catch ya!

Pop into an internet cafe and say 'hi' from <X location> if you get the chance.

Congratulations, And I hope you will find a good job you are looking after. Good journeys to you!


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