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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2010, 01:03:26 pm »

This shows non review/non PR gameplay unedited...

My impression is no music is a BAD call and totally a sign that this is a COD ripoff. IE hearing gunfights is "important" and immersion is "priority #1". I find that over-the-top atmosphere trait to be old in about 5 days time.

It's interesting how that IGN reviewer rewards the "studio" for pouring so much effort into pointless things like seeing facial expressions more clearly and turning the story on its head in parts. Those are 100% irrelevant to fans of the original getting actual nostalgia (as opposed to faux nostalgia or "weak nostalgia"). Weak nostalgia is just having jaws in the game, so what? Every goldeneye remake would have jaws. That isn't something to get all excited over lolol It would be lame if they didnt include that character and some others. So why kiss their heels for doing what we all expect? Its a dealbreaker for me that craig is the bond they place inside the goldeneye world. If it was pierce and the HUD wasnt such a rip off of other games, I may have bought this game, is my view.

This title feels like it could be COD : Goldeneye edition, basically.

I'm so happy I stumbled on this mod and now view the PC as the direction goldeneye needed to take to truly be updated (otherwise I would likely be playing this Wii game right now and oblivious to correctly appreciating a goldeneye experience in
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 01:10:57 pm by Wake[of]theBunT »


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2010, 01:12:48 pm »

I find it ironic that the red blood screen is so out of place in this game.


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2010, 04:35:00 am »

Personally i like somehow the game its hard at the start to get around with the wii remote (event Golden Classic Pro is hard) but what i would like to have is you move around the wiimote and you look around that way. Anyway its good to be play but no music on MP its boring... I prefer GE:S the music are bad ass!

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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2010, 05:14:24 am »

That IGN review is such a shill and really pisses me off. He is practically berating you if you don't buy the game because it's "so fucking cool it makes toast and even has a new scripted jumping sequence off the damn dam"

Makes me sick when a games quality is rated solely on its cinematics, animations, and "halo / COD copy cat gameplay"

the wii is a low end home pc it can run windows

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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2010, 06:17:40 am »

So I was playing through it again, and I noticed something that made me rage quit. You all remember the beta tower on Dam, when you exit the gate it is on the right side out in the water? Well the tower is in the game, but the developers stuck it on the OTHER side of dam on a cliff. Whether this is actually the tower in reference, or just a random tower for extra detail, I just was all wtf.


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2010, 07:52:37 am »

That IGN review is such a shill and really pisses me off. He is practically berating you if you don't buy the game because it's "so fucking cool it makes toast and even has a new scripted jumping sequence off the damn dam"

Makes me sick when a games quality is rated solely on its cinematics, animations, and "halo / COD copy cat gameplay"

Agreed. Speaking of IGN reviews pissing me off.....Blood Stone. I admit, it's not the greatest game in the world, but c'mon. 5/10?!?


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2010, 10:48:30 am »

    >Iron sights with ADS snapping auto aim
    >Regenerative health (except on hardest difficulty, even then game was designed with regenerative health in mind so it makes the game impossibly hard)
    >Carry two weapons + PP9 at all times
    >No watch menu
    >No Bond gadgets
    >Dedicated melee button
    >Dedicated grenade button
    >Taking the large and wonderful levels on the original and make them grimdark and linear
    >Changing parts of the plot for no fucking reason
    >QTE boss battles (Xenia Onatopp for example)
    >Experience system, no weapons on maps, no character select and customizable weapon loadouts for online multiplayer just like Call of Duty
    >Daniel Craig
    >Bungee jumping from dam replaced with diving from top of 500ft tall dam into water down below and SURVIVING
    >No Boris


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2010, 07:43:21 pm »

I actually really enjoy the game, but I wasn't expecting a straight remake of the N64 game (and that would have been the wrong way to go).

Sure, the game is a lot more linear than the N64 version, but there's still multiple ways to go through each room and generally at least a couple different paths.  You can use stealth or go in guns blazing.  The AI's fantastic and the storytelling and voice acting is top-notch.  I really feel more like James Bond than playing the N64 version.

I think the score by David Arnold and Kevin Kinney is wonderful... lots of cool moments like the Nightclub level.  I think the MP music is a little disappointing but there's certainly music (and some of it is really good like when you become Bond or Alec in "Heroes" mode or the score in "Black Box").  IGN specifically turned off the music for the demo videos they did for some reason.

I haven't played the split-screen mode yet, but the online is wonderful for the Wii.  Easy to find a match and while the frame rate dips sometimes I haven't ran into lag problems.  The maps all seem pretty well designed in MP.

Pointer controls are quite good (I used the experienced 3 setting).  If you've never played a Wii shooter and think you point at the screen to shoot instead of using the controller like a 3-D mouse you may want to use the classic controller or GC controller.

The "Black Box" game mode in MP is absolutely fantastic and a ton of fun.  Really feels Bondian. 

The gist of the mode is that MI6 has captured an enemy briefcase and is trying to hack into it to get the data, while the other team (Janus, the Russians or Zukovsky's goons) has to destroy the briefcase.  If you're on the MI6 team, you want to carry the briefcase and hold it (which fills a meter on-screen that shows progress "hacking" the briefcase).  While you're carrying the briefcase you can only use a pistol and your movement is slower.  You can drop the briefcase at any time by pressing A, but the hacking stops at that point.

The Janus team wants to shoot/grenade/melee the briefcase to damage it (there is another meter showing the "health" of the briefcase on screen).  They also want to kill the MI6 team member holding the case so that the hacking stops.  Once that happens the briefcase falls to the ground So you end up with a group of guys all huddled around the briefcase on the ground shooting the daylights out of it.  The briefcase also moves around a bit depending on where it's shot, so you can slowly shoot the briefcase into a corner or into a tunnel.  It's really quick paced and frantic and well-balanced.

It is a disappointment that there isn't a "Classic" mode with N64-style weapons loadouts dropping on the map and no regenerating health in MP.

I can't overstate the fact that it's fun and a good game even if it's not anything groundbreaking like the N64 Goldeneye.  I know everyone here is going to be pre-disposed to hate it, but Eurocom put a lot of effort into it instead of just doing a cheap cash-in like Rogue Agent.


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2010, 09:37:02 am »

Well... lemme say it that way: i think it's the best Bond Game since Goldeneye (N64), but GE64 is still far superior.
Any game called Goldeneye will have to messure itself with the original game and under this circumstance the new Goldeneye is a disapointment for the fans of the original game.

TBH i don't think they could have made a game the fans would have been pleased with, because of licence issues and the nostalgie bonus of the original.
But at least they could have tried to find a way inbetween making a CoD like game and honoring the original.

It's starting with such simple things like weapon sounds and such.
Also all the weapons of GE64 should have been in that game too, instead of having all these new weapons which are more or less equal.
Same for Craig instead of Brosnan.
And why the hell there is no multiplayer gamemode with weapon pickups?
Even CoD4 had a mode like this.

Another big drawback of the SP is the size of the levels. They're simply to big.
When starting a level you feel like "well this could be fun", but after a few minutes and countless waves of enemies, it's getting really borring and you just hope to find the end of it instead of another big room with tons of bad guys in it.


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2010, 12:02:56 pm » looks like they adopted that STUPID "move the reticule to the side of the screen to turn" mechanic. That makes turning really fucking slow and annoying. I couldn't deal with it in Red Steel and I don't want it here! Why can't they just make the gun (and reticule) always stay centered, and make moving the Wiimote turn you immediately, like in basically every FPS ever in history?

Not sure if I even want to try this. If I do, it'll be just a rental. This doesn't look like a game I would enjoy for very long. It doesn't feel like a Goldeneye game at all.

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Goldeneye Wii? your verdict?
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2011, 09:41:49 am »

i was wondering what you guys think of Goldeneye Wii (personally i think it fails and the people who made it should be charged with crimes against humanity but i was looking into your insight)


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2011, 04:35:52 am »

Did you not read any of this tread? This thread pretty much summarized what we think of the

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2011, 04:40:34 am »

Three words. Abomination. Awful. Disgrace. (That's actually 11 total but oh well.)


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2011, 05:14:27 am »

Did you not read any of this tread? This thread pretty much summarized what we think of the

Moved old thread here, but making a redirect off old thread I have auto deselected so this was another thread I moved. My bad.
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: Official GoldenEye Wii Topic
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2011, 06:26:17 am »

Moved old thread here, but making a redirect off old thread I have auto deselected so this was another thread I moved. My bad.

..ahhh. Fair enough. ;)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D
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