Global Communications > Latest News & Announcements
GES Update 10/29/10 [4.1 Media #2]
I can't say for certain because I've been on vacation until I achieve certain real-life goals but about motion speed; right now it is on a compromise based on Goldeneye 007. Tweaks to it are just to address glitches such as being unable to getsomewhere you should, or being able to go where you shouldn't. Mostly its a matter of making Source behave.
Ultimately (e.g., once everything else is done) we've discussed getting motion to truly parallel 007, but that would require overhauling/recreating every map, which is far too much re-doing when we still have lots to simply do, so if that happens it will be at the end of Goldeneye Source's development.
El Dudereno:
Yea so I gotta a quick question. Will our points reset to 1000 on the WNx servers when 4.1 is released?
That's up to WNx, they control their points system.
Great update :P can't wait to see the next media release.
--- Quote from: Mangley ---
Great update :P can't wait to see the next media release.
--- End quote ---
Is something the matter Mangley?
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