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GES Update 10/29/10 [4.1 Media #2]

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--- Quote from: Gabbo on October 30, 2010, 04:05:20 am ---Is something the matter Mangley?

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I have no idea what you're talking about.  :P (srsly)


--- Quote ---Added an internal update checker to notify you of new versions instantly!
--- End quote ---

Am I right in assuming that this will allow bugs to be fixed fast and content updates to be released in as little as a month or two apart from each other? This is by far the most exciting feature. Keep up the great work, guys.


Correct, with the update notifier you will be ensured that you have the latest version of the mod. This, in turn, lets us release smaller updates and not be afraid that the community is lagging behind :-)


--- Quote from: El Dudereno on October 29, 2010, 05:50:14 pm ---Yea so I gotta a quick question.  Will our points reset to 1000 on the WNx servers when 4.1 is released?

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Currently we plan to only reset the points for major, integer releases. So as of right now the points will not be reset for this release.


--- Quote from: WNxEuphonic on October 31, 2010, 02:21:03 am ---Currently we plan to only reset the points for major, integer releases.

--- End quote ---

orly? We will just release v4.999999999999 in 2 years time and call it gold. You are welcome community, for 3+ years of uninterupted stats.



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