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[Steam bug] GE:S Requires TF2 to be installed?

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Hello again.
I'm trying to launch GE:S but it asks me to install TF2... Why?
I played it just fine yesterday with no problem at all, Now I try to launch it, And it asks me to install TF2, Which I don't want because it'll just take more space up my hard drive for a game I do not wish to play and that I don't require.
I tried rebooting steam, No luck.
Any workaround?
Thanks for the help.

Do you have any other Source games installed? You need to have at least one installed.

Yeah I have CS:S and Half-Life 2 vanilla installed.

EDIT : Please note that these are the only source games I have ever installed on this HD and I was able to play GE:S all the time.

You must have Source SDK Base 2007 installed in your Steam Tools.

You do not need any specific Source games installed. There may be an error within Steam taking you to an incorrect page when trying to launch without the required content installed.


--- Quote from: Mangley on October 13, 2010, 11:02:50 pm ---You must have Source SDK Base 2007 installed in your Steam Tools.

You do not need any specific Source games installed. There may be an error within Steam taking you to an incorrect page when trying to launch without the required content installed.

--- End quote ---

It is installed since the very beginning.

EDIT : I will try and launch Source SDK 2007 to see if it fixes it... I doubt it, But its free to try.

RE-EDIT : Nope, Didn't work.


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