Debriefing > General Goldeneye

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--- Quote from: WNxSauron on June 29, 2007, 11:12:03 am ---Or maybe its one of your Beta mirrors.

Works great here, 500kb/s from Sweden

--- End quote ---

Wow, from Sweden? That's awesome! Glad its fast for you!

Yeah works great. Glad your helping the community to get the game!

Im sure the devs are too, they just need too lay off the sugar... ;D

You are very welcome! I am too. They must have had a bad day yesterday, I'm not holding it against them. I was just shocked by the initial response.

Jeron [SharpSh00tah]:
get used to VC hes an ass :P

Mike [fourtecks]:
haha. I didn't see the 'beta mirror' part so I thought you were just boasting your website. My fault. Hard to get an accurate reading on the DL speed because your site seems to be one of the few that the comcast power boost is working on it. Goes as low as 600KB/sec, can go up to about 1.2MB/sec. Seems to just averaged at 775KB/s right now. So in other words great speeds from Northern Indiana


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