Ok. Here's the deal. Everyone that owns an Android phone is eligible for the following opportunity! However, you must pass my requirements in order to participate.
I am developing Android apps for use in various parts of your lives. I am looking for Beta Testers for these apps before they hit the wild.
Currently, I am more than half done with a workout fitness app that comprehensively lets your Browse Exercises, Plan Workouts, Record Workouts, and Track Progress.
Once I finish with this I will be working on an app that lets you track your stats for GE:S! Yes, thats right, the first ever mod to offer stats tracking from your cell phone

I am also up for suggestions for apps so if you have an idea shout it out. I am only interested in practical ideas that offer comprehensive and unique solutions to everyday problems. If you want to become one of my beta testers (I will begin testing in the coming month) then you must submit to me the following (IN A PERSONAL MESSAGE):
Your real nameEmailAgeSex (Yes please!)Android versionPhone typeShort blurb as to why you will be able to help me test my appsI hope you understand my scrutiny, I take utmost pride in my work and expect dedication from my testers. So please, all those interested feel free to PM me the above information and I will get back to you. Any requests that don't answer all my questions will be deleted immediately without consideration.
I am also looking for a 2D artist who can help me with various icons and graphics in my apps. For the fitness app, I intend to sell it and am willing to pay you for your efforts!
http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html <<<<<<