I wasn't sure how best to describe this suggestion...
Anyway. As we all should know, in Goldeneye 64, the reserve shells mounted on the shotguns decreased when you had less than 5 reserve shells in your ammunition.
I know that the shells are part of the weapon model in GE:S, though as far as I understand it should possible to make it so that they decrease in very much the same way by having a separate 'animation frame' for the shotgun with 5 shells, 4 shells, 3 shells, 2 shells, 1 shell and 0 shells. Then when the shotgun is reloaded or switched to it can be made to check how much ammunition is in reserve, if 5 or more it would stay at 5 shells, if 4 it would swap to the 'animation frame' with 4 shells etc...
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is possible?

And of course the same method could be used to make the rocket 'disappear' from the end of the rocket launcher on firing and then replaced when reloaded. Giving the illusion that it has actually been fired off.
I'm aware that this isn't an incredibly important suggestion and would require a fair bit of work... Though it would be delightful to see in the future.
PS: Apologies that I don't know the correct terminology with regard to model animations, I hope it's understandable.