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Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« on: August 08, 2010, 01:25:30 pm »

Yeah, they are good, but i've been playing now for a month or so now, and although i'm still dying constantly, i think i've improved, I must admit, I myself get fed up sometimes. I still own the N64 with Goldeneye and sure, the Goldeneye source game-play is not as well balanced as the original, for example, a friend from work who never played Goldeneye before came round quite a while back so I set it up and we had a two player deathmatch, even though I had been playing this game for many years he still managed to win a few games, and pretty much gave as good as he got. I introduced him to Goldeneye Source a few weeks ago and initially he was impressed, but was convinced that the people he was playing against were cheating which put him off. I explained to him that these people had been playing for two years and were very accurate with their aim, also I mentioned about aiming for the head and shooting in bursts rather than holding the button down, but a couple of weeks later he was still convinced of cheating. I personally don't think they are cheating, because I do occasionally do get kills, though they are rare. I heard a rumour of a third party application that runs in the background enabling an on screen cursor, although i'm not sure that's true, but it would give them a big advantage over others. It does seem very strange sometimes when your clearly firing magazines of bullets towards someone's head, you can clearly see the blood splats, but they don't die, not only that, but they turn round and kill you with one shot in a second and your left thinking, "On the N64 they would have died from that", and you would be right, they would have, but this is not the N64. I've introduced a couple of brothers and a few mates to this mod now but none of them had the patience to stick with it and it's a real shame, because I think this mod is awesome, it's so professionally done, the map design is awesome, the music and sounds fantastic, and when you manage to play online with a friend it's at it's best, unfortunately I've always had trouble connecting with friends, I've managed a couple of times and it was an awesome gaming moment for us both, but there still seems to be issue's with my game not showing up on the server list and we just can't figure out why, I believe it's my router that's the problem on that one. I assume the developer's of this mod play on occasion, if only to test their new release's, if they do play on occasion, do they themselves find they die far too often compared to everyone else? I would also like to point out at this point to any newcomer's that the WNX Clan are strictly against cheating, it say's so on their website, I don't believe for one second they are cheating, no matter how many times I die, but I do believe that the game-play balancing needs a look at so that newcomers stand some kind of chance at enjoying the game as much as the experienced player's, with that said, the newcomer's need to realise that practice makes perfect, dedication to something you love will eventually pay off. I myself will continue to play, and will continue to try and resolve the issue with connecting with friends.


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2010, 01:36:04 pm »

You are going to have to get over the fact that people are better than you. Period.

I was the champ in the N64 when it came to playing against my friends. They feared me. Honestly I would win almost every round of play, but they would put up a good fight, don't get me wrong.

Video games are not about being fair, this isn't "no child left behind". Of course there is a certain degree of balance that must take place, but honestly it boils down to skill in our game, which is EXACTLY where the N64 version was as well. It took SKILL to kill people and win the match. It did not take the most powerful weapon on the map (although that does help) but in the end it is how you wield that weapon and how well you aim and relax.

According to your WnX banner in your signature you've only played on their servers for 3 hours. Do you really expect to be any good after doing ANYTHING for 3 hours? Give it a couple weeks man, trust me.


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2010, 01:39:41 pm »

Wow, such a wall of text you got there.

Only thing I can comment on is sometimes you see blood from a shot yet they dont die is because of the server issues. You shot him on your computer, but on his he was already out of the way. Another thing is that after each successful hit, there is a pause before another hit can be taken, so if you shoot him in the arm first, then your next shot is in the head, he would not receive the deadly blow. That is why aiming is important.


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2010, 02:39:12 pm »

I agree totally, but you've mistaken my message as a complaint, rather than a suggestion. I think this is the best mod ever made, was just giving an opinion and sending a message to the newcomers that if they persist, they will improve. Just wish the people I introduced would have stuck around a bit longer, that's all. Also, I will continue to play when I can, but i've got 5 games on the go at the moment, and I know with time I will improve, as I stated above... I have gotten a little better since playing. Fact is, what you have done here is re-create a legendary fps from scratch, this mod is so good, it's as if Microsoft and Rare put it together themselves.



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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2010, 02:43:34 pm »

So then here's to potential new players:
It's always like that - except for a few persons (and then mostly just in one special field) this simple rule applies "there's always someone better than you are".

We play games, because they are fun.
Competetive games are less fun if the opposition is 'unbeatable'.
-> If the opposition is unbeatable, the specific game isn't consider fun for the player facing that opposition.

And here's my hotfix:
If you can't manage to press yourself bearing defeat continously until you have improved so the opposition doesn't appear as unbeatable as before, play with others that start playing the game right when you start to play. Chances are this will be fun because you're 'learning' the game together and improving together. At first try to avoid the crowded servers if you don't feel that comfortable playing with the more experienced players. Then occasionally join these crowded servers to check how much you have improved - you'll be surprised by your own results.

As for cheaters, they aren't as often present as people think. Of couse, there will always be people that use some cheat calling it a 'trainer' or whatever. But most of the times they don't even learn anything from their 'trainer' and just spoil the fun of others. Yet I think people cheating forget about the part WHY a gamer plays: to have FUN. Clearly, it isn't much fun leaving others completely without any choice but to lose - everyone can spend their time having more fun: the one cheating by doin something else, the ones being cheated by playing without the cheater. Furthermore I think it's a question of honor (a gamer's honor, that is) to avoid cheating at least in competition with other human players - I don't think anyone cares what you're doing vs. AI as long as you don't compare the results with others.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 02:45:48 pm by coolDisguise »


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 04:51:43 pm »

Ok well new players need to find their own strategy and pay style by being defeated many times. I feel like most games these days play to the lesser  group of players by being too handicapped and hand holding.

Remember the original nintendo games? I'm looking at you mega man... They were ruthless and required enormous skill and luck to beat. Those days of gaming greatness are quickly disappearing and I hope goldeneye source provides at least a little of that nostalgic challenge.

based on your post I think we are spot on :-)


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2010, 05:22:41 pm »

One thing new players can do to improve is read up on the Wiki to understand the damage system and invulnerability system and generally how the game works.

I'll agree that for newcomers it can be pretty brutal when you have very skilled players around. I think that CoolDisguise is right that if new players are having a hard time they should try and avoid the more populated servers at first and play in smaller groups of friends or people who are evenly matched... but that will only take you so far.

Also it should be said that there are new players who come along and are instantly great at the game, with experience with fps games, a good sense of logic and a mind to take a look at the controls before they start playing they get a big head-start.

I think at the end of the day it's all down to attitude, do you want it easy or do you want a challenge and a learning curve?
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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2010, 06:11:37 pm »

I love this tread. It reminds me of how awesome GE:S really is. It also reminds me of all my friends who think this game "has bad hit registry" and other problems when really it is just them not understanding the damage system and the complexity of a "mod" *GASP, A MOD*

I also remember all the people who ACTUALLY learn it. Those are the guys that I appreciate most. Congrats to the people who stuck with it and strive to play a challenging game.

I also play/ed megaman and always throughly enjoyed it for is difficulty too. :)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2010, 07:55:44 pm »

Ive put some major practice in today, even manage to come second in one of the games... Coooool.


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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2010, 10:37:48 pm »

Remember the original nintendo games? I'm looking at you mega man... They were ruthless and required enormous skill and luck to beat.
Just so happens I finished MM10 for the first time an hour ago.
That's ten. Get ready, SNES. (once I'm done with the DLC)

Those days of gaming greatness are quickly disappearing and I hope goldeneye source provides at least a little of that nostalgic challenge.
Get yourself a copy of Battle Kid.
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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2010, 10:48:36 pm »

Haha awesome.
Megaman clone - semi-hardcore mode.

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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2010, 10:50:24 pm »

More of a Megaman/Metroid hybrid inspired by IWBTG and other various Nintendo-hard platformers of yesteryear. [/offtopic]
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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2010, 11:03:08 pm »

If you're into platformers you might also like this one:

Of course you might want to use an older (and therefore free) version of X-Padder or something...

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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2010, 01:03:53 am »

Way ahead of you.
Quote from: Friday, June 07, 2013
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9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: think it's trying to tell me something
9:48 PM - Proxie: Tonight you will dream of Grant Kirkhope and VC

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Re: Experienced Players Scaring People Away.
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2010, 05:43:32 pm »

yes its true. when i am online, and there are only experts, i say come on i dont want to play anymore because they are better then me and sometimes they kill at spawnpoint and then i throwm my mouse to the wall ^^
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