BUGS/GLITCHES:Make the catwalks in stacks penetrate everywhere. (trying to shoot ammo crate, tried with Cougar Magnum also)

Fix Complex bridge door, it wasn't fixed 100% for Beta 4, weapon will block the door from opening much like in B3 the door just doesn't know how to kill the weapon:

Player clip the Egyptian pillars, could also clip the roof area incase players try and make a 5+ player tower but thats hard to do in a full server.

these are only possible with 2+ players.

Thats what the Silo elevator does to me.
More Complex:

Little bit of Facility:
Probably due to the servers horrible ticrate.
WHATS WRONG WITH 4.0:GAMEMODES:These are obviously strong opinions, but I hate a bunch of the new gamemodes, The Living Daylights is boring and very easy to win, just camp in a spot away from players and watch your meter go up. (No offence VC)
KM NOTE: It can be argued that teamplay flag tag is less boring with inclusion of new GUI elementsCapture the Key: Not many people understand the object of this gamemode, I know the devs included a help menu but many people still do not understand how to play.WEAPONS:Thanks to the Weaponsmith most of the weapons in GoldenEye: Source are true to its Mommie on the N64, however
the Moonraker Laser needs to be slowed down, I know not all of your shots will be effective due to the invulnerability period but its so easy to spam it...Golden Gun needs to penetrate glass. I was killed by an AR33 spammer because it penetrates and the AuG doesn't.KM NOTE: If the glass is flagged "bullet proof" nothing will penetrate but penetrable weapons. By design.CHARACTERS:Very minor, but I would like to see different sleeves and hands for the darker colored players (May Day, Samedi, Oddjob.)
Me playing as May Day:

(Also looks more like a punch than a slice)
GAMEPLAY:Rocket Launcher is horrible at shooting over and between rails, complex and cradle are prime examples.
Sometimes players loose the ability to crouch at random times.
Basically anything with a low ledge/wall/area can be accessible with multiple players stacking on each other.
WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE:As OWS server admin/helper, I would like to see weaponset_list support so I can tell the server to read the weapon sets from a file in order, That way weapon sets wont reappear as often.
(Note, I just copied my post from my clans forum and put it here to gain attention.)