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Google Noobs
« on: July 18, 2010, 11:39:24 pm »

I just dont understand the fact, why do people ask me to search things in google for them?

Sister wants me to copy pics on a cd. Cant she learn that herself by searching in Google?

If you stumble upon a idiot who keeps asking you how to do this or how to do that.. tell them what the question is, and send them the link...

go there.. type any question and send them the link...


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Re: Google Noobs
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 06:20:34 am »

I've used it on a few occasions already. Useful for Facebooking.
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Re: Google Noobs
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 06:49:19 am »

Google is only usefull if you know how to handle it and ofc. what to search for.
Otherwise you might end up with 0 hits or 20 billion while the first few hundred entries are not really relevant.


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Re: Google Noobs
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 03:14:04 pm »

I have enough trouble getting answers to my own questions with Google (or any other search engine). Can't imagine telling someone who can't figure out how to put pictures onto a CD to "just Google it."

Usually if I type an actual question into Google, the top few results are for Yahoo answers. Seems like half of those pages don't give you a real answer, and a good part of the ones that do are wrong.
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Re: Google Noobs
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 03:23:03 pm »

You're absolutely right Kraid.
That reminds of this one time when a friend of mine brought up the size of some document from the university that we are studying at wouldn't fit in some stapler which we were given to archive these documents and I remembered they were smaller before, so I googled him a picture from a guy arguing over that exact same topic on his blog. The picture showed the old and new version of these documents in comparision. That friend of mine was surprised that I was able to find such strange stuff in a such short amount of time (< 2 min). ^^
Again, if you have no clue on what the fuck to search for... it mostly shows it isn't that important to you after all. I guess people deliberately asking someone to google something for them just don't care that much, or else they'd bother to search themselves. But if they ask you about something (from which they can assume you might know about) directly then it's something else. In these cases please refrain from using that 'let-me-google-this-for-you' site. (another friend of mine did this regularly whe he didn't know what I was talking about OR wouldn't bother to explain something, which pissed me off because his information would have been already more structured than any google results available)

Smaller jobs like copying pictures can be either explained easily or shown and hopefully the person can do it on his/her own the next time.
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