Editing and Customization > Community Releases

Goldeneye Source: Classic start screen.

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I know this is rubbish but, i always wanted to have the classic  GoldenEye start up screen to be displayed when i started the game soo... thus this came about.

Click here if image above fails.
Install Steam/SteamApps/source Mods/GeSource/Materials/Console


Goldeneye source

Preview maybe?

There's your preview :P

Thanks, don't worry we will be transitioning the main menu at some point to be more coherent with our in-game menus. Its really freakin hard to customize the main menu. Valve has the code for all those panels (server browser, achievements, options, etc.) locked down and you are left with editing colors and shit. We shall see.

Yea i heard about that. well hopefully you guys can get that done. i can't wait for the whole project to be done. I've been here since beta 1 and it's been a long way. Kudos to all of you guy's for making my dreams come true of a great Goldeneye remake.  ;D


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