Yahoo! Games is now reporting on it. They just leeched the same trailers you've already posted, but you can view it here:
My opinion is that this is going to SUCK on an epic scale. The gameplay helped MAKE this game popular, and now they're trying to apply it to an entirely new product? Not going to work. I believe they should make a modern "Bond" game and try to release a product that is chock-full of awesome. Going where one has already been is GESource's purpose. Not theirs. They have new technology and new other stuff to medle with. Why "ruin" what we loved by promoting false promise of greatness on attempted repeat mode?
-1 for "dumping" Peirce Brosnan
-1 for absolute lack of originality
-1 for doing it for the easy "$" from hardcore fanboys
-1 for disrespect
Total Development Score:
Go Fuck Yourselves
Awards Earned:
Can't Get Stupider Than This
Can't Get Greedier Than That
Where's The Property Rights?
What The Bloody Hell Is A Pierce Brosnan?
Online Achievements:
Uncessessful Immitation of GE:Source
Pissing On A Successful Fanbase While Laughing
"MP looks terrible..."
Yes, well, IMO - Multi-Player directed games generally do suck regardless. I don't play games with other people. I do so mostly for personal gratification, no other players are nor should be neccessary for such. If a single player game mode(s) suck, MP may as well suck too. A game should be optimized for BOTH single and multi. HOWEVER, single player should have INFINITE replay value. Getting sick or bored of a game too easily means the overall quality or effort put into the product was, bluntly, insufficient.