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Author Topic: Goldeneye Wii Update  (Read 54058 times)

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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2010, 07:04:18 pm »

I'm actually looking forward to this. I don't really mind the change of actor, even though i still have a slight preference for Brosnan, and the rest looks pretty amazing to me (for the wii at least). The only thing that bothers me a little is that i think the guy we see in the truck is supposed to be 006 and he has the charisma of a dead oyster.
Can't wait though.


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2010, 07:29:23 pm »

Gametrailers link if it hasn't been posted:

Might be interesting, that's all I can say. I'm not bitching, complaining, or talking shit until I play it.

Check out [SM]'s HL2: Deathmatch Server! I've worked hard on making it the best it can be.

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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2010, 09:31:25 pm »

Might be interesting, that's all I can say. I'm not bitching, complaining, or talking shit until I play it.

So far I can only talk shit about Daniel Craig as Bond. That's not GoldenEye, and there's nothing to argue there.
Other than that, following suit with Striker. (Other comment in other thread that really should be merged with this one...)
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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2010, 10:05:17 pm »

At least the multiplayer will be fun ^^
"The version at the show is using four player split screen where each player chooses a classic character including Odd Job and Jaws. While each character can toss grenades, good ol' Odd Job can flick his hat at opponents."


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #34 on: June 15, 2010, 10:22:00 pm »

"no health pick-ups. Instead, you take cover to get your health to regenerate. You'll be able to vault over ledges and banisters, and take down enemies with up-close melee attacks.

Multiplayer will be enhanced with a full-featured online mode, complete with a full-fledged experience point system;
players will be rewarded with XP for specific tasks in online matches that will offer achievements and unlockables."

Goldeneye: Modern Warfare?... Look closely at the multiplayer portion of the trailer and you can see there are even iron sights. I really don't think this is the remake everyone would imagine and want it to be.
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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2010, 12:40:22 am »

Goldeneye: Modern Warfare?... Look closely at the multiplayer portion of the trailer and you can see there are even iron sights. I really don't think this is the remake everyone would imagine and want it to be.
You can't exactly expect a remake to not make some changes. And I can't blame them for trying to find a more popular formula and actually sell the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of modern warfare, but I think the vaulting over ledges and takedowns will be fun. Also the regenerating health and cover systems were present in quantum of solace (wasn't great but i enjoyed it while it lasted... which wasn't very long) so it makes sense that they would implement it again.

Still I can understand why someone wouldn't want to get their hopes up, the last game tagged "Goldeneye" wasn't exactly a masterpiece. But I guess you can still wait for the GE:S singleplayer, which I'm pretty sure will be mind-blowing considering how amazing the Beta 4 is :)


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2010, 02:44:38 am »

Hell, takedowns were in the movie, weren't they?
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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2010, 03:27:53 pm »

Now that's a downer - I mean this option to wait for your health to refill so every casual can play it on their first try on every difficulty setting if there are any. I'm not saying anything about the melee takedowns, which really make sense in SP (instead of karate chopping an enemy zillion times from behind) or jumping/vaulting ledges (if that isn't always the same stiff animation taking like forever without you being able to control shit), but as people said it's trying to hard to be modern warfare (iron sights, crosshair and that XP mode sound dumb to me).
Maybe the overhaul of the SP's story are not that bad after all, but we have to wait and see, I guess.
It would be nice if they implemented the possibility to play some missions in different ways, meaning 'stealthy' using silenced weapons/takedowns, maybe even being able to drag bodies somewhere or 'going crazy' which basically means shooting everyone. (like in the original)


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2010, 06:44:43 pm »

Judging from what i saw and read so far about this game, they didn't include anything which made the original such a great game. Instead they copied allmost everything from CoD:MW and gave it a Bond skin (and not even a good one).

If you ask me, i'd say it'll be the exact oposite of the original Goldeneye.

Some reasons why it'll suck:
- tons of scripted sequences instead of pure gameplay,
- altered story
- different weapons (and i doubt they'll sound like the ones from GE64)
- new (awefull) design for buildings like the radar station, dam and i bet many other buildings too.
- soldiers looking completly different and i'm sure they'll act like thouse CoD enemies, too.

- carry only 2-3 weapons and have a grenade at spawn
- deadly meele attacks (CoD:MW knife anyone?)
- only 8 playable characters in MP
- always a crosshair on the screen

This makes me wish EA had never lost the Bond licence to Activision.
Possibly they would have given the job to FreeRadical and we would get a true Goldeneye Remake, not just another CoD game labled Goldeneye to sell a few more copies.


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2010, 07:46:11 pm »

It would be nice if they implemented the possibility to play some missions in different ways, meaning 'stealthy' using silenced weapons/takedowns, maybe even being able to drag bodies somewhere or 'going crazy' which basically means shooting everyone. (like in the original)

From what I've read, except for the dragging bodies part, we'll have both. A stealthy and a less subtle approach.

- only 8 playable characters in MP
Ok, am I the only one who's bothered to go to the official website? I mean I've seen this argument on plenty of forums but if you had taken the time to check that information you would have seen that this is complety false. There are 8 classic characters (from other movies) but there is actually a total of 40 playable characters in MP!


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #41 on: June 17, 2010, 10:17:57 pm »

MP looks terrible...
All view points are of my own and not associated with the team.


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #42 on: June 18, 2010, 02:25:53 am »

Yahoo! Games is now reporting on it. They just leeched the same trailers you've already posted, but you can view it here:


My opinion is that this is going to SUCK on an epic scale. The gameplay helped MAKE this game popular, and now they're trying to apply it to an entirely new product? Not going to work. I believe they should make a modern "Bond" game and try to release a product that is chock-full of awesome. Going where one has already been is GESource's purpose. Not theirs. They have new technology and new other stuff to medle with. Why "ruin" what we loved by promoting false promise of greatness on attempted repeat mode?

-1 for "dumping" Peirce Brosnan
-1 for absolute lack of originality
-1 for doing it for the easy "$" from hardcore fanboys
-1 for disrespect

Total Development Score:
Go Fuck Yourselves

Awards Earned:
Can't Get Stupider Than This
Can't Get Greedier Than That
Where's The Property Rights?
What The Bloody Hell Is A Pierce Brosnan?

Online Achievements:
Uncessessful Immitation of GE:Source
Pissing On A Successful Fanbase While Laughing


"MP looks terrible..."
Yes, well, IMO - Multi-Player directed games generally do suck regardless. I don't play games with other people. I do so mostly for personal gratification, no other players are nor should be neccessary for such. If a single player game mode(s) suck, MP may as well suck too. A game should be optimized for BOTH single and multi. HOWEVER, single player should have INFINITE replay value. Getting sick or bored of a game too easily means the overall quality or effort put into the product was, bluntly, insufficient.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 02:37:32 am by ValorNET »


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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2010, 01:27:42 am »

Not bad.

This was like watching split screen call of duty modern warfare with the worst death-blood screen EVER. Even our initial blood screen looked 100 times better then that one. I want to burn my Wii for fear it might get the notion that it will be playing this game. What a terrible fucking decision to make this game.

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Re: Goldeneye Wii Update
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2010, 03:05:44 am »

@ValorNET: Saying it's an imitation of GE:S is false because that's not what they're going for.
Just avoid going around the nets and saying that because GE:S needs to stay off the radar more than ever. (Though I'm pretty sure if Activision knows about us they understand that GE:S is a completely different project that won't hurt their sales.)
Quote from: Friday, June 07, 2013
9:48 PM - Macc 1.666: So I post on GE:S after 6 months and Facility comes on Radio Nintendo
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9:48 PM - Proxie: Tonight you will dream of Grant Kirkhope and VC
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