Global Communications > Latest News & Announcements
Gallery Section Launches
Sean [Baron]:
You may have noticed a new tab on the top of the forums where your profile, messages, etc are located called "Gallery". Well it's a new feature we have enabled on the forums that will allow both the community and the developers to post images from the game, or whatever you would like to post. Anybody can post a picture, except guests, and it will go onto the gallery page pending approval.
Everything is sorted by categories and so far we have what you see when you click on the Gallery. I would like to add more, but I would love to hear your opinion on some of the categories that you would like to see, to better sort the gallery and allow everyone to find specific pictures faster.
We do have some official images posted up there, and likely more to come. We hope you enjoy this feature, and we look forward to seeing what you have to post :)
Click here to view the gallery.
Sean "Baron" Stock
Project Leader
Fun stuff. I'll see if I can find some pics when I get back from vacation.
Loafie, Hero of Dreams:
I'm sure I can find something to add to the cause.
Mark [lodle]:
Sean its working now as well. Scott fixed it all up.
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