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[BUG] Archives Crouch-Jumping to Inaccessible Room

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EMH Mark I:
I'm not sure if this was done intentionally, but it definitely caught me by surprise.

Biggest problem I can see with this is during token-based game modes such as Living Daylights if someone decides to stay with the flag in that room every round throughout the entire match. 

No Jimbo! Don't expose the melodic spot!

That being said, most if my attempts at this in the past result in me getting stuck in the ceiling, rather than all the way through into the next floor.  Also of note is that the passage directly adjacent to this one is also exposed to this exploit.

More melodic than Kenny Loggins.

I always get stuck in the ceiling trying to do that.

Epic, I can't tell if that's a mapper's "easter egg" or a coding problem.

No matter what it is, it's breaking the gameplay so it should be removed.


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