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Author Topic: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"  (Read 26746 times)

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Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« on: June 03, 2010, 12:53:27 am »

I configured hammer for GE:S Beta 4. I used the wiki to set up hammer. I double checked it 5 times. However, whenever I open up hammer and click "new" it says, "FATAL ERROR - MISSING MATERIAL "editor/wireframe"!" I looked for help on other topics, youtube, google, steam, nothing. I found the wireframe.vmt from the half-life 2 materials folder in the editor folder. I put editor in the ge:s materials folder with the wireframe in it. Same thing is happening. Any help?  :(

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Re: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 01:11:02 am »

Right click on Source SDK in the Steam window>properties>local files> then verify the integrity of the cache. Then open The SDK, and in the green window click "Refresh SDK Content", then click "Reset Game Configurations", then go down to "Engine Version" and select "Source Engine 2007" and then click "Edit game Configurations" and add all the necessary files for GES. Chances are your SDK got borked by Valve's recent SDK updates which split the engine into three parts instead of two, with many orangbox games registering as Source Engine 2009 games (while they in fact run on the 2007 engine).
[GE:S] killermonkey: GOOD TO KNOW


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Re: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 01:55:32 am »

When I try to edit the game configurations, it says "No game configurations to run with"


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Re: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2010, 03:27:16 am »

HELP?   :'(


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Re: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2010, 08:32:25 am »

The problem is, all the mod configurations formerly running under the Orangebox engine will be set to source engine 2009 by default, because valve still uses the sourcesdk/bin/orangebox/bin/ path and the GameConfig.txt file is still the modified version with all the mods inside.

Fixing this issue:

1. make sure the sdk update was applied to your sdk (launch steam, open the sdk and make sure there are source engine 2006/2007/2009 now).

2. open the GameConfig.txt in sourcesdk/bin/orangebox/bin/ with a text editor such as notepad or PsPad

3. open the GameConfig.txt in sourcesdk/bin/source2007/bin/ too

4. if it's nearly empty copy the whole text to the source2007 version.
If there's an entry for Episode 2 or something, just copy the text blocks for all the mods and skip 5. and 6.

5. erease the whole text block for TF2/Portal/DoD:S if you got them, because they'll be Source engine 2009
a block starts with the games name e.g. Portal and ends with two } right before the next name.
Here's an example (your paths will differe because of the user name and harddrive partition your steam is on):
Code: [Select]
"GameDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\portal\portal"
"GameData0" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\portal.fgd"
"TextureFormat" "5"
"MapFormat" "4"
"DefaultTextureScale" "0.250000"
"DefaultLightmapScale" "16"
"GameExe" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\portal\hl2.exe"
"DefaultSolidEntity" "func_detail"
"DefaultPointEntity" "info_player_start"
"BSP" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vbsp.exe"
"Vis" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vvis.exe"
"Light" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vrad.exe"
"GameExeDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\portal"
"MapDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk_content\portal\mapsrc"
"BSPDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\portal\portal\maps"
"CordonTexture" "tools\toolsskybox"
"MaterialExcludeCount" "0"
"Team Fortress 2"
"GameDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\team fortress 2\tf"
"GameData0" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\tf.fgd"
"TextureFormat" "5"
"MapFormat" "4"
"DefaultTextureScale" "0.250000"
"DefaultLightmapScale" "16"
"GameExe" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\team fortress 2\hl2.exe"
"DefaultSolidEntity" "func_detail"
"DefaultPointEntity" "info_player_teamspawn"
"BSP" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vbsp.exe"
"Vis" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vvis.exe"
"Light" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vrad.exe"
"GameExeDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\team fortress 2"
"MapDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc"
"BSPDir" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\team fortress 2\tf\maps"
"CordonTexture" "tools\toolsskybox"
"MaterialExcludeCount" "0"

6. now this one is important, scroll down to the bottom and you'll find this:
Code: [Select]
"SDKVersion" "4"
Change the 4 to a 3

7. You'll also might want to change the paths for the building tools, since now they would still use the orangebox/bin paths
Code: [Select]
"BSP"		"d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vbsp.exe"
"Vis" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vvis.exe"
"Light" "d:\games\valve\steam\steamapps\meta_kraid\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vrad.exe"

Simply replace the word orangebox with source2007 and it'll be allright.
(you can also do this later in Hammer by opening the tools>options dialog and change them in the build programs tab, i just found it's faster to use the find & replace feature of my text editor because i have a lot of mod setups)

8. save the file (the one in source2007) and close both of them.

9. Now if you want to be able to use TF2/Portal/DoD:S under Source engine 2009, set the SDK tool to source engine 2009 and execute the "Reset Game Configurations" option.

10. restart the sdk and see if all the games appear in the right engine version.

Last but not least, set the sdk to source engine 2007, select GES mod (if you got it) and try out hammer and maybe the Model viewer too to make sure everything works fine.


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Re: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2010, 09:34:13 pm »

The way I followed the instructions didn't do much. So I copied the configs for portal and changed all of the configs to run with ge to the source2007 gameconfig txt. Was that what I was supposed to do?


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Re: Missing Material "Editor/Wireframe"
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2010, 01:31:40 am »

Simplest way is to open Source SDK, select Source 2007, click edit game configurations, click add, name it and set the GE:S directory.

Then restart SDK, open Hammer and you just need to add the goldeneye.fgd to the game data files in options.
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