Editing and Customization > Community Releases

The Gilded Klobb - My personal thankyou to the devs

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Hey Mangley, you going to make the silver klobb for us testers? *Sad Fonfa kitty face* *tear* :D

I may do  :P, for the moment I'm just touching up the Gilded Klobb's texture and adding phong and I'll post that a little later.

I dig that too. Looks shiny.

--- Quote from: Ruone Delacroix on May 12, 2010, 06:07:21 pm ---Wow, that looks amazing. To make up for the aesthetics, you can make it a one hit kill, but the accuracy could be like .01% (not quite sure what the accuracy's measured in, to be honest) so you can kill everyone and everything except what you're really aiming at.

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Impossible, the klobb is actualy a multi skin model, and it uses the same weapon script for each skin.


--- Quote from: Doc.NO on May 14, 2010, 06:32:50 pm ---I dig that too. Looks shiny.
Impossible, the klobb is actualy a multi skin model, and it uses the same weapon script for each skin.

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Meaning in simpler terms that it is just a look. It is not a one hit kill.


--- Quote from: Mangley on May 13, 2010, 12:52:04 pm ---I may do  :P, for the moment I'm just touching up the Gilded Klobb's texture and adding phong and I'll post that a little later.

--- End quote ---

Cool, thanks mate. Appreciate your efforts and actually considering making a sexy silver one. :)


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