Debriefing > Bug Reports & Fixes

[BUG] Gun Game Explosions and Facility Classic Key Goals

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--- Quote from: killermonkey on April 10, 2010, 01:38:58 pm ---As for Team CTK.... I have overhauled the capture point spawn system in v4.1 to allow for multiple capture points in DM CTK (YAY!) so it may have fixed this problem anyway. I will test it out to make sure. Now, it MAY be spawning a capture point and not putting it on the radar. This is the most likely case since there is a bug in the radar in v4.0 that appears every once in a while. There is a mechanic in CTK that if you are in teamplay mode and only 1 or 0 capture points are spawned it will force you into deathmatch mode so if there really was only 1 capture point on fac_classic you would know it because you would be forced into deathmatch mode.

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Actually, both times there has not been a capture point the next round forced deathmatch. I did wander around in both the Quad Room and the Bottling Room and couldn't find the goal anywhere (I scoured everywhere).

--- Quote from: Enzo.Matrix on April 10, 2010, 05:06:40 am ---The title of gun game is GUN game, not kill someone with a resulting explosion game.

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I realize that the idea is that you use each weapon one after another, but it seems to be very frustrating to use a built-in strategy to kill some one (say, by shooting a barrel with the PP7) and nothing happens. I understand it's a Gun Game, but the explosive barrels are a built-in dynamic you just seem to be ignoring.

Yeah there is only one capture point on facility_classic. Generally what happens is there is one or two rounds of Team CTK where only one team can actually score and then you get the 'No team spawns present, switching to deathmatch mode' thing.

Rodney 1.666:
I just want to say that Euphonic's avatar is win.


--- Quote from: Rodney 1.666 on April 10, 2010, 09:28:18 pm ---I just want to say that Euphonic's avatar is win.

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