Fuck the presidents for sending troops to Iraq, fuck them ALL.
Would you rather have radical and unpredictable people such as Saddam Hussein running around? Clearly this isolated incident is deplorable, however, the war in Iraq has done a lot more good than bad for the people of that country. They are a proud people and a strong people. It is clear that they embrace their new freedom and will be moving very rapidly back into place with society at large.
There is a huge distinction between killing 5 innocent people and waging war on a maniacal "leader". Can you imagine how many innocent people were killed in World War 2 with carpet bombing, gassing, and all the other deplorable means of war that were in place at the time. It's easy to say how terrible this is since it is caught on camera and spread around in a matter of seconds across the world. WWII did not have that luxury and we all live in happy ignorance of the atrocities the allies did to local people, whether by accident or on purpose, yet no one opposes the actions taken in world war 2 (except Nazi supporters).
Regardless, many more Reuters employees were killed in the 9/11 attacks along with thousands of other people! Never forget that day and never forget the insanity of these people we are fighting.
After watching the video, I must say it really does look like the guy is holding an RPG. If I am in the helicopter I could tell you right then and there I would shoot first rather then risk my ass getting blown up. Although, when they circled the building it was hard to see any "weapons" being held, but their mind was made up that they were a threat already and may have perceived them as it. As for the van approaching and being shot up, that was fully authorized by their command to engage, they still thought these were insurgents, remember that when you watch the video. Hind sight is 20/20 and its easy to call these soldiers monsters after the fact now that we know he was holding a camera with a huge fucking lens and these were civilians. It's not like the soldiers in the helicopter flew in and opened fire upon first sight.

They see this guy coming up from the ground with this tube like object in his hand, the guys just before that had AK47's (those were not cameras in the background).