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Collateral Murder
« on: April 05, 2010, 06:41:19 pm »

fucking awful, sickening. Cant believe shit happened.

Fuck the presidents for sending troops to Iraq, fuck them ALL.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 10:36:13 pm by osaeed2k9 »


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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 07:55:05 pm »

Disgusting. They posed no threat.
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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 08:22:59 pm »

Fuck the presidents for sending troops to Iraq, fuck them ALL.

Would you rather have radical and unpredictable people such as Saddam Hussein running around? Clearly this isolated incident is deplorable, however, the war in Iraq has done a lot more good than bad for the people of that country. They are a proud people and a strong people. It is clear that they embrace their new freedom and will be moving very rapidly back into place with society at large.

There is a huge distinction between killing 5 innocent people and waging war on a maniacal "leader". Can you imagine how many innocent people were killed in World War 2 with carpet bombing, gassing, and all the other deplorable means of war that were in place at the time. It's easy to say how terrible this is since it is caught on camera and spread around in a matter of seconds across the world. WWII did not have that luxury and we all live in happy ignorance of the atrocities the allies did to local people, whether by accident or on purpose, yet no one opposes the actions taken in world war 2 (except Nazi supporters).

Regardless, many more Reuters employees were killed in the 9/11 attacks along with thousands of other people! Never forget that day and never forget the insanity of these people we are fighting.


After watching the video, I must say it really does look like the guy is holding an RPG. If I am in the helicopter I could tell you right then and there I would shoot first rather then risk my ass getting blown up. Although, when they circled the building it was hard to see any "weapons" being held, but their mind was made up that they were a threat already and may have perceived them as it. As for the van approaching and being shot up, that was fully authorized by their command to engage, they still thought these were insurgents, remember that when you watch the video. Hind sight is 20/20 and its easy to call these soldiers monsters after the fact now that we know he was holding a camera with a huge fucking lens and these were civilians. It's not like the soldiers in the helicopter flew in and opened fire upon first sight.

They see this guy coming up from the ground with this tube like object in his hand, the guys just before that had AK47's (those were not cameras in the background).
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 08:41:21 pm by killermonkey »


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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 08:46:42 pm »

Link fails for me
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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 09:53:55 pm »

Im not going to watch it because I know ive seen worse around, but I can say I dont know why youtube doesnt kill the video, its not a thing for kids to see and kids will watch shit like this.

Im going to throw this little idea out there tho. Why the fuck isnt one of the guys in the chopper on a pair of binoculars getting a better view at these potential insurgents AND why isnt a warning shot made on the van. You can miss it and the car stops and people jump out with their hands up pleading dont fire again and you saved some innocent lives. I got to be honest and say I hope this incident fucks these soliders up for life, they deserve the consequences.

This notion of "going for the kill in case they might try kill" is fucking nuts. You can cap a dudes knees who isnt even aiming at you and he sure as fuck wont be operating a gun or an RPG better than you can.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 09:56:30 pm by Wake[of]theBunT »


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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 10:05:27 pm »

Binoculars prolly wouldn't get them anywhere. These helicopters can attack at a great distance. See how long it takes from the sound of the bullet to the dirt kicking up, about 2-3 seconds. They are at least 1000 yards away, from my experience, even at 600 yards with a really good scope you can barely see anything.


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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 10:10:35 pm »

Would you rather have radical and unpredictable people such as Saddam Hussein running around? Clearly this isolated incident is deplorable, however, the war in Iraq has done a lot more good than bad for the people of that country. They are a proud people and a strong people. It is clear that they embrace their new freedom and will be moving very rapidly back into place with society at large.
Embracing their new freedom by trying to get American soldiers out, through whatever means necessary.

Im not going to watch it because I know ive seen worse around, but I can say I dont know why youtube doesnt kill the video, its not a thing for kids to see and kids will watch shit like this.

It's initially hosted on wikileaks, so even if youtube drops it, it'll still be around.

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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 12:59:23 am »

It's a damn shame they made that mistake. Poor reporters..
Shit does happen though. Friendly fire often claims the lives of both our soldiers and the civilians.

It's terrible and a tragedy, but in war it's sadly almost inevitable.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 01:08:58 am by Sergeant Kelly »


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Re: Collateral Murder
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 03:22:15 am »

It's inexcusable. Mistaking a camera for an RPG is one thing, but gunning down a crowd of people just because one of them appears to have a weapon is monsterous.

What they did to the van was even more outrageous though, they had no idea who was in it, it was just a family in the wrong place at the wrong time stopping to help an injured guy who had been left to die. Listen to the gunner willing him to reach for a weapon so he can finish him off.

Sure, there's always collateral damage in war and innocent people die. But in every individual instance it is avoidable. There are many documented instances in the Iraq war of the US using deplorable methods like baiting tactics. I don't think it's so well reported in the US, there is a media bubble that filters out a lot of negative reporting against the US operations in the middle east.

As long as you're sending humans to do any work there will always be mistakes, corruption, lies, cover-ups. Not every soldier is righteous and of the upstanding integrity that they have sworn to, many just join the military to 'see some action'.

If I walk down the street with a rolled up carpet over my shoulder, am I going to get gunned down? No, but there's something very wrong with the fact that it becomes a lot more likely I would be if I happened to live in a war zone.
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