The biggest issue against seeking permission is there is NO definitive company that holds rights to goldeneye007 except nintendo and rare.
The best chance of remaining under the radar is those comapnies likely wont call for C&D. Nintendo dont really have grounds since they are at this point only a distribution right holder over goldeneye the game solely on their platform and Rare is under Microsoft and so M$ wouldnt/couldnt back a legal action by their subsidiary.
On other fronts, danjaq owns james bond liscencing but they are in movies so I doubt they would seek us. And activision only grounds would be conflict of interest with future JB titles they make (unlikely motivation since they arent remaking past intellectual properties onto the PC, so there is not actual conflict)
And yes, the steam store will never happen because of the issues listed here, which is even if available for free, distribution platforms will not risk making our mod available. Companies are more likely to sue other companies who use IP in unethical manners.
In some aspects we dont wish to go through the processes to become available. We want to provide for ourselves a good system for our fans to gain similar benefits without being a slave to someone elses conditions.
First I hate these threads, so stop that talk now please.
I wish an FAQ could be relied upon to negate the questions arising. But history tells me folks dont read them and just sign up and make a thread even ignoring "search" so my viewpoint is whatever