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Author Topic: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs  (Read 15108 times)

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GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« on: March 28, 2010, 11:23:37 am »

Hello community,

in this post I present you some of the work that has never been released or which I quit working on in a wip status. You are going to hear the full truth :D That also means that I present you the track that I don`t like that much but still to my beloved GoldenEye community I would like to offer them in case some of you are interested.

1. Unused gunbarrel theme:
The gunbarrel theme was a pretty though job. The difficulty was to build up suspense with just a few instruments but still get the full bond feeling - hence I had to figure out a lot and I made quite a few version of the gunbarrel theme. This is one that has never been released but still it`s not that bad:

2. Unused gunbarrel theme 2nd
Again I felt like making another gunbarrel theme but this time I made a approach that was more reminding of David Arnold and not necessarily suitable for GoldenEye, still I would like to show it to you:

3. Final gunbarrel theme (full version)
Here`s the full track and in the second half of the song you can hear the actual track that is heard in the GoldenEye Source Gunbarrel:

4. Special "Serra" track
This track started out as a simple test: I had finished some sound effects and wanted to test them in the context of a song. Seeing that it didn`t sound to good and it had to much going on IMO I quit working on that song and never released, but still if some of you are interested here it is:

5. Alternate watch theme
As in the title said I present you the watch theme I`ve been working on. At a certain time I quit working on it because I didn`t like certain parts of it but maybe I`ll proceed working some day....anyway here`s the track:

6. "Bond gets to the harbor"
This is just a random track with the James Bond melody in it which I made for testing reasons; I want to make a Bond track with a different approach then the dark Serra way:

7. Bond sway
This one was a track I started to work on just for fun. Later in the development phase I felt like it didn`t have the right atmosphere I wanted, so I just finished the song and made no further refinements – case closed:

8. Bond opening:
This is a song I made for a little movie project; This was an opening scene with the full orchestra playing:

So this is it, an extract of my songs I`ve never released or proceed working on. I hope you like some of this stuff and it would be great to have some opinions.


Yannick “GoldenZen”
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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 02:57:13 pm »

Incredible stuff! It blows me away how great these are even though you aren't going to use them. They're all great in my opinion, though I can see in some instances why you've chosen to not use them but they all have great potential.

Your final Gunbarrel theme is awesome, I love it.

I found Bond Gets To The Harbour incredibly suspenseful and tense and it was very refreshing. I'd definitely love to hear a track like that in the future! Perhaps on maps like Statue Park or Surface.

The last track, Bond Opening was very powerful and interesting and has so much potential. I'd love to hear something like that in the future too!

Great stuff as ever.
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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 02:59:59 pm »

Thank you Mangley :) You know, from your reaction I can see this wasn`t a bad idea to load this stuff up :)


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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 05:08:40 pm »

wow, sounds great.. I love the full orchestra playing the bond theme and the harbor-track
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 05:10:48 pm by The Cy »
finished: ge_funhouse v4 Download:


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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2010, 05:33:41 pm »

Danke :) Thanks I`m glad you enjoy it
"...ни однохо выздоха...гдые вашй.... I`m alone" Россия

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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2010, 06:23:54 pm »

Great Stuff right here, they are all very good in there own way!!! That Unused Gun barrel 2nd version is very Goldeneye like, it has all the key elements. Please use it in beta 5! Bond's Sway is very bondian, which i like lol. Keep up the great work!!!!!!!


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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 05:38:08 am »

I'll say it once and I'll say it never cease to amaze me buddy. :)

Brings back memories, doesn't it? :D


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Re: GoldenZen`s vault of Bond tunes and unused songs
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 07:32:02 pm »

thaaaank you :)
"...ни однохо выздоха...гдые вашй.... I`m alone" Россия

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