Global Communications > Development Media

Spiders Stuff thats not GES

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Jonathan [Spider]:
yo, heres some stuff I'm working on thats not currently GES related... though if any of the dudes want i can give them a prop or what ever if it happens to match their needs.
if you guys right click and say view image youll get a higher res shot

ill try to keep this thing up to date with what ever I'm working on

tell me what you guys think if your bored.

Sean [Baron]:
Interesting Alien design, that looks pretty sweet. Are you going to be constructing a body for that as well?

Konrad Beerbaum:
Cool alien, the texture will really bring that to life. 

Jonathan [Spider]:
yea i think im going to make a body for it as well, but i have no idea where to go with it, and yea im totaly wanting to do a texture for it, but i built that right now to learn the topology tool in Zbrush 3, so i can get a better hang of it, cause i built that from a sphere so theres no real topology on it right now its just a big mess.

you guys have any ideas on what to do for the body? cuase i was thinking something like kangaroo shaped but with like lizardy skin, with armor plating. or maybe like a bird without feathres kind of skin

Something with strong back legs, a medium sized tail, armour.. Kinda reptilian looking really but muscularely toned.


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