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The beginnings of GoldenZen music - looking back

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Hello dear community,

in this post you must not expect big orchestral, fat and perfect music, this post here is about my very beginnings in the music business.

Looking back:

1998 - There I got a new keyboard, my very first keyboard to be precise. It was also the time when I bought the soundtrack of GoldenEye - the movie. After a huge disappointment about this soundtrack I decided to emulate some of those deep, Serra-like instruments on my keyboard and record that - The result was a song that wasn`t perfect at all: No quantize, no note correction, no final mix, just the pure midi sound with all its beauty; this was the result:

You might want to pay attention to some of the sound effects I`ve started to create in that time and you can hear them in their early shape...

1999: After these beginnings, which today might sound ridiculous, I seriously began to make music more often.
Soon I got a sound package of instruments and an old version of Logic Pro, which then was still available for computer. Then I had a good mentor from Berlin/Germany, Rico Bernhagen, who helped me with a lot of stuff and thanks to him I dare say I am where I am now.
As next step I took the midi files of the above song and applied "better" sounding instruments on it:

end of 1999: After a lot of work on these sound effects and studying Serra`s arrangements I`ve created a suite for Severnaya, which should reflect the old, dark and snowy atmosphere of Servernaya:

Here you can hear how I`ve tried to recreate some of those Serra choir and strings effects but which then in that time sounded more funny instead of terrifying...

2000: In the beginning of the year 2000, in January, it was very cold and dark one sunday and I felt like doing some Serra like music again, this was the result:

In my opinion not to bad since it creates a certain atmosphere and has a dark heavy touch without being ridiculous

2000: Soon after this song I felt like recreating the song heard in the GoldenEye movie, where they`re trapped in the tiger, the result is - well if you listen to it today - terrible, but back in 2000 it was quite good:


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