Debriefing > Off-Topic Lounge
Valve Announces Major Update!
Sean [Baron]:
Ehhh.. Guess I'll have to see how it all works before I can judge it but, doesn't sound that interesting.
Hey let's complain about extra features. I mean honestly, I don't really care that much. I doubt it will be used a lot. Why say "omg this sucks lol" when more features won't change anything if you don't use them :P
i think what everyone means is they'd rather see steam checkers like back in 04 and 05 instead of profile pages.
Sounds fruity to me. I've already got all the community I want. More in fact, because Xfire likes to spam the world with what I'm playing.
Besides, why are they doing this (answer: new money) instead of fixing the Client Side Prediction bug that plagues every mod that uses their "OMG BEST VERSHIN OF TEH ENGEN!" sdk-base component? Or that crap about hitboxes when you croutch or jump in Counterstrike? Or NoSteamLogin? Or the list goes on.
Sean [Baron]:
Because VALVe likes to add new postive things to their system, rather then mention problems with it in updates.
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