Global Communications > Development Media

[WEP] TazerBoy [2/27/2010]

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EMH Mark I:
SLX, you've done it again!  Haha, good job so far man.

Josh [SLX]:

--- Quote from: PPK on February 28, 2010, 03:11:12 pm ---Looks great, good job :), but where are the "Start" and "Select" buttons?

--- End quote ---

Purposely left out. It is a taser disguised as a game boy, not a working game boy.

Rodney 1.666:
Wouldn't having the Start & Select buttons only further disguise it as such?
Then again, there's something about the missing buttons that makes it look good... I dunno. It's a trade-off.

~Edit for "wouldn't", not "would". (Though means the same thing but with a different tone...)

Animations of it sliding open as you equip it and closing as you holster it please  :D

That would be awesome.

I want this in B5. :D


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