Global Communications > Development Media
[WEP] TazerBoy [2/27/2010]
--- Quote from: kraid on January 08, 2012, 05:30:32 pm ---...or defuse/reset them whenever a player who is using the Tazer comes along (but it has to be selected as your active weapon or it won't work).
--- End quote ---
So they would be ineffective against the holder of the Tazer, but still be effective against the rest of the players?
This would make the Tazer a much welcomed addition to the world of Goldeneye multiplayer I think, especially if you could hack the proximities and use them as Remote Mines at any time, whenever a player gets near them, the Tazer could beep, one tap of the alternative fire button and BANG! This would make the Tazer a very cool gadget to have in proximity multiplayer, it could also lead to some very cool new game types... Oooh... too many ideas are circling my head, I'm off for a coffee.
Sam Colt:
Or you could hack them and turn them into your mines.
Rick Astley:
maybe use the model of the taserboy as a gadget instead of a weapon maybe for the new Hackers and Preventers gamemode?
Yea it should be used for something. That isn't a bad idea.
Rodney 1.666:
The use for it in terms of Q-gadgetry that's been flying around the most is threat identification, ie mines.
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