Editing and Customization > Community Releases

Custom maps released in a big map pack?


Okay I just want to say good job on the people who made this mod. Its a great job and shows you guys/girls did a lot of work and did a good job.

Okay now I was looking around and saw there are custom maps and stuff that are shown on the forums in different places and such. Well some look pretty cool. I was wondering do the updates on the main page incorporate the new custom maps (made by different people on the forum) incorporate those custom made maps and stuff?

Or is there like a map pack that has a lot of them? Cause I already know iv missed a few here and there. And I might not find all of them just looking though all the forums (cause the forms are kinda set up confusing at least to me).

Cause there are some levels like the boat (dont' remember what its called) that someone made that I came across when looking around where they did a good job on it apparently but it wasn't finished yet.

I was wondering if maps like that will be in the next update (or future updates)? cause it would be easier then having to go though and try to find all the maps. Hopefully this is the right forum to post this in if not sorry.

But yeah I just got this account because of how great the game is and its interesting there are more stuff coming to it (hopefully).

Well the issue is that those maps need to be "updated" to the beta 4 entities. So giving out links now would do you no good, you have to wait for our community mappers to submit new downloads for the beta 4 versions of their 3rd party maps! Some will do it, some won't. Usually happens within a month of release

If you aren't running a server, you shouldn't need to worry about that. If a server is set up right, you will get custom maps automatically as you connect.

AFAIK you haven't missed anything yet, and hopefully as maps appear they'll also be here: http://wiki.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/Category:Third_Party

Jonathon [SSL]:
Most of the maps which were by community mappers which turned out really well (Surface, Citadel, Basement), have been put into the official game and their mappers brought onto the team. The only maps I can think of right now which would be worth updating and including in a map pack would be frexx's Bunker and both of Mangley's maps when they're done.

Ahhh okay. Well I kinda figured some weren't done yet. But I just wanted to make sure if they were going to be included in a new update or something. Cause some look promising. And that bunker one looks good so far. I am hopping it gets done soon. :P I already kinda thought the bunker level was already done from pics iv seen before online of a goldeneye mod but maybe it was a different mod or something.


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