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Server help
« on: February 26, 2010, 11:43:54 am »

First things first, I read the wiki, I followed all the steps, I have 4.02. I have a CSS and GES server running on my desktop, but the GES server can't be seen externally - the CSS server shows up. I've made sure all the ports are forwarding properly, and the server seems to be running fine; at least there aren't any errors I can see that would stop it being external. sv_lan is 0, region is 3, i have an rcon password, it's just not showing up.

any ideas? I can provide server.cfg files/screenshots/whatever if necessary. I bet I've done something stupid and forgotten a little thing =/

Thanks =)

EDIT: running win 7 x64 Ultimate, and srcds is allowed through the firewaal on my machine.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 11:48:50 am by olileauk »
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Re: Server help
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 11:52:11 am »

are the css and GE:S running at the same time? try changing the GE:S or CSS port in command line:

Code: [Select]
-port 27016

Add that in the command line
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Re: Server help
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2010, 11:58:19 am »

They were, then I stopped the CSS server and restarted the GES one - it still didn't show up. I'll add that, thanks.
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Re: Server help
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 12:14:06 pm »

Also if you post your IP/or Hostname, we can check and see if we see it/join.
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Re: Server help
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2010, 01:54:33 pm »

IP is - the GES server is running but not visible outside of the network, it seems. I'm just going to add that line to the command line.

EDIT: okay, wtf. I restarted the computer, re started the server, and its now visible externally. =)

I have no idea why, I didn't even add the -port 27016 line yet. Haha.

EDIT2: No, it seems incredibly tempramental. Hum. Will try that line, see if it helps.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 02:08:12 pm by olileauk »
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Re: Server help
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 02:28:04 pm »

Holy crap, that port change fixed it! Thank you muchly <3
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Re: Server help
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2010, 03:38:17 pm »

I had the same problem yesterday.  It was quite frustrating, actually, because I was trying to get the listen server up for a bunch of friends I introduced to the game.  Checked the ports with the port forwarding tool.  They were fine.  They could see my game when I gave them the direct IP and port, but they could not connect to it.  I used sv_lan 0, but the game never showed up online.  Didn't seem to change anything.  It told my friends that they could not connect to my game because it was a LAN only game.  Rechecked the ports, IP, triggers, everything.  Could I have screwed something up with the 4.02 hotfix?  I looked through the beta 4 tutorial, but there was nothing there that helped.  I read on some TF and CS forums that I may need to delete the .blob file.  Thoughts?

(BTW great fun playing with you guys last night, esp. the DEVs, thanks.)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 05:33:27 pm by czarofthefrozentundra »


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Re: Server help
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2010, 03:48:49 pm »

Its weird some people or rather their routers are not able to host properly and no matter what they do steam orSRDS always reads their internal IP had the same problem with a friend of mine when he wanted to test a map he made no one could join his server no matter what we did, we rebooted routers PC, forwarded ports and yet to this day he is unable to host any kind of server that th outside world can join, we can see it in HLSW but when we join it times ut after 4 retries.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 03:50:33 pm by keefy »


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Re: Server help
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2010, 03:51:51 pm »

Yeah, I dunno.  I was able to host on beta 3.14 just fine.  Only had problems when my router re-assigned my computer a different internal IP, so the ports forwarded to a different computer until I changed it, but they all checked out fine last night.


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Re: Server help
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2010, 04:08:03 pm »

I think they're talking about a blob file not blog, but maybe I'm behind the times.

After you change sv_lan you'll need to changelevel for that change to be effective.
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Re: Server help
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2010, 07:32:23 pm »

I think they're talking about a blob file not blog, but maybe I'm behind the times.
Thanks.  I was up all night and didn't catch the error.

After you change sv_lan you'll need to changelevel for that change to be effective.
Yup, like I said, I hosted many servers in 3.14.  I assure you, I tried this (heartbeat, and other options) to no avail.  Didn't work like 3.14 for some reason.  I may need to reinstall.  Would prefer not to, though.


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Re: Server help
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2010, 12:29:40 am »

Rest assured localhost server works the same as in Beta 3.1.4.

You must be sure that you forward your ports porperly. If you upgraded windows you might also want to make sure the firewall is not blocking anything.


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Re: Server help
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2010, 06:34:08 am »

Yeah.  I am checking again.  Just reinstalled GE:S Beta 4.  Now I am getting a readout when I type heartbeat.  It says:....

Nevermind.  I got it working.  The only thing I changed now is I made my own server.cfg and listenserver.cfg files by adding the sv_lan 0 command, and now I see it.  Didn't change any of the port forwarding, as it was already in place from before.  Any idea why the console wouldn't take my commands, but the .cfg files work?

UPDATE: Well, I tried this morning to load the server, nothing.  Still LAN only.  I didn't change a single thing over night.  I notice one error I get when running heartbeat is the "A2C_PRINT [IP address:port] bad challenge."  Would it help to modify the valve.rc?  This is really getting annoying as I spend more time trying to run a server for my friends than playing with them.

Also, I have an SBG900 Surfboard router.  Apparently the port forwarding instructions for this router are incorrect (as you cannot add overlapping ports).  Perhaps this is the issue, although I ran beta 3.14 without any problems, and I didn't change the router settings after moving to beta 4.

UPDATE: Thanks km.  Was a windows firewall problem.  I guess somehow the application was blocked.  When I disabled windows firewall, poof, there the server was.  So dumb.

UPDATE: Oh my.  Doesn't work anymore. Is it possible to assign the ports that the server uses instead of trying to do all the range and stuff.  Maybe that would work.  <sigh> So much for beta 4 and my friends. 

UPDATE: Well, I got it working after about 6 hours of frustration.  I am not sure exactly what did it, whether editing the listenserver.cfg file, adding +port 27015 to the launch properties or ip [my public ip].  Maybe it was something else.  The strangest thing is that the server never showed up on the steam list.  I happened to have it in my favorites, and looked at it and saw that the ip was public and not LAN.  Then I asked a friend to try to connect to me directly, and it worked.  After an hour or so of playing, however, the game still never showed up on the Steam servers.  I hope someone with more networking and Valve knowledge than I can maybe help me make heads or tails of all this.  So far I feel quite alone in this thread.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 11:59:11 am by czarofthefrozentundra »


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Re: Server help
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2010, 01:37:37 pm »

Well i am chalking this up to valve, their master server is seemingly picking and choosing which servers to display recently... The important thing is if your friends can CONNECT to you. Regardless of its visibility (which we can't fix)


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Re: Server help
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2010, 01:53:06 pm »

Well i am chalking this up to valve, their master server is seemingly picking and choosing which servers to display recently... The important thing is if your friends can CONNECT to you. Regardless of its visibility (which we can't fix)

I agree.  It was such a relief to finally see the game pop up on favorites with the public IP and seeing my friend connect.  Just lucky thing I checked the server info or I wouldn't have seen it and would have gone to bed livid after wasting half a day/  I racked by brain forever, trying to figure out what was wrong, going to forums all over the place, reading about similar problems, blah, blah, blah.  Usually every Thursday night I put up a server and play with the 10+ people I introduced to this game, but it hasn't happened because of all this valve junk.  Ridiculous.  Thanks for the positivity and support (I chewed out a guy on email for not sending me a package on time because I was upset, had to apologize this morning to him.).

It seemed after a while that I couldn't have been a problem on my end, as I tried on two separate computers after changing the ports.  Port checker came out fine, just the stupid servers weren't showing the game, which is usually how I check to see if it is visible for others.  Now I know that I cannot rely solely on that. 

KM, do you know if you have to put the ip [my public ip] in for it to show up.  I read that on a Steam support page talking about listen servers.  I never did this with 3.14, but then again, I am not really sure if everything was working fine yesterday, and I just couldn't see the server, or if one of those things I did helped.

Also, (if you don't mind a couple more questions) which commands can I put into the listenserver.cfg.  It seems that a bunch of them I put in worked fine, but others (like ge_startarmed 2 and I think ge_gameplay_mode 1) didn't work, and I had to manually do it after the server started.  Could be wrong about the ge_gameplay.

Last question: is there a post or link to show me how to make a config file that does the same thing as the "crate server" GUI? (random map, random weapons, etc)?
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