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GES Update 02/24/10 [Release wrap-up]
Wake, did I ever tell you that you're my hero? ;)
Holy crap OSTOSTOSTOST <3 <3 <3 yay
Tried adding some of the OST songs to the GE:S music player, they just came out as silent. What's up with that? I renamed them to remove spaces.
I did everything correctly.
Jonathon [SSL]:
Their bitrate has to be downscaled to less than 162 kbps (I think most of them come at greater than 192 kbps) since Valve decided that they don't want high quality .mp3 files played in their engine. Most of the songs in the official game files have been downsized to 128 kbps to make them work with the music player, but now that I look back at when I did that 148 kbps would have worked a lot better.
Finally, the OST is out :D. Nice work, Wake.
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